Uses of Interface

Packages that use WebImplicitObjects
org.apache.cactus.server Contains the classes implementing the server side of Cactus. 

Uses of WebImplicitObjects in org.apache.cactus.server

Classes in org.apache.cactus.server that implement WebImplicitObjects
 class AbstractWebImplicitObjects
          Holder class that contains the instances of the implicit objects that exist for all web requests.
 class JspImplicitObjects
          Holder class that contains the instances of the implicit objects that will be accessible in the test classes (ie subclasses of JspTestCase).
 class ServletImplicitObjects
          Holder class that contains the instances of the implicit objects that will be accessible in the test classes (ie subclasses of ServletTestCase).

Fields in org.apache.cactus.server declared as WebImplicitObjects
protected  WebImplicitObjects AbstractWebTestCaller.webImplicitObjects
          The implicit objects (which will be used to set the test case fields in the setTesCaseFields method.

Methods in org.apache.cactus.server with parameters of type WebImplicitObjects
protected  AbstractWebTestCaller ServletTestController.getTestCaller(WebImplicitObjects theObjects)
protected  AbstractWebTestCaller JspTestController.getTestCaller(WebImplicitObjects theObjects)
protected abstract  AbstractWebTestCaller AbstractWebTestController.getTestCaller(WebImplicitObjects theObjects)

Constructors in org.apache.cactus.server with parameters of type WebImplicitObjects
AbstractWebTestCaller(WebImplicitObjects theObjects)

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