
Python Samplifier

  1. built_in_functions
    1. Python abs()
      1. Description Python abs()
    2. Python all()
      1. Description Python all()
    3. Python any()
      1. Description Python any()
    4. Python ascii()
      1. Description Python ascii()
    5. Python bin()
      1. Description Python bin()
    6. Python bool()
      1. Description bool()
    7. Python bytearray()
      1. Description bytearray()
    8. Python bytes()
      1. Description bytes()
    9. Python callable()
      1. Description callable()
    10. Python chr()
      1. Description chr()
    11. Python classmethod()
      1. Description classmethod()
    12. Python compile()
      1. Description compile()
    13. Python complex()
      1. Description complex()
    14. Python delattr()
      1. Description delattr()
    15. Python dict()
      1. Description dict()
    16. Python dir()
      1. Description dir()
    17. Python divmod()
      1. Description divmod()
    18. Python enumerate()
      1. Description enumerate()
    19. Python eval()
      1. Description eval()
    20. Python exec()
      1. Description exec()
    21. Python filter()
      1. Description filter()
    22. Python float()
      1. Description float()
    23. Python format()
      1. Description format()
    24. Python frozenset()
      1. Description frozenset()
    25. Python getattr()
      1. Description getattr()
    26. Python globals()
      1. Description globals()
    27. Python hasattr()
      1. Description hasattr()
    28. Python hash()
      1. Description hash()
    29. Python help()
      1. Description help()
    30. Python hex()
      1. Description hex()
    31. Python id()
      1. Description id()
    32. Python input()
      1. Description input()
    33. Python int()
      1. Description int()
    34. Python isinstance()
      1. Description isinstance()
    35. Python issubclass()
      1. Description issubclass()
    36. Python iter()
      1. Description iter()
    37. Python len()
      1. Description len()
    38. Python list()
      1. Description list()
    39. Python locals()
      1. Description locals()
    40. Python map()
      1. Description map()
    41. Python max()
      1. Description max()
    42. Python memoryview()
      1. Description memoryview()
    43. Python min()
      1. Description min()
    44. Python next()
      1. Description next()
    45. Python object()
      1. Description object()
    46. Python oct()
      1. Description oct()
    47. Python open()
      1. Description open()
    48. Python ord()
      1. Description ord()
    49. Python pow()
      1. Description pow()
    50. Python print()
      1. Description print()
    51. Python property()
      1. Description property()
    52. Python range()
      1. Description Python range()
    53. Python repr()
      1. Description Python repr()
    54. Python reversed()
      1. Description Python reversed()
    55. Python round()
      1. Description Python round()
    56. Python set()
      1. Description Python set()
    57. Python setattr()
      1. Description Python setattr()
    58. Python slice()
      1. Description Python slice()
    59. Python sorted()
      1. Description Python sorted()
    60. Python staticmethod()
      1. Description Python staticmethod()
    61. Python str()
      1. Description Python str()
    62. Python sum()
      1. Description Python sum()
    63. Python super()
      1. Description Python super()
    64. Python tuple() Function
      1. Description tuple() Function
    65. Python type()
      1. Description type()
    66. Python vars()
      1. Description Python vars()
    67. Python zip()
      1. Description Python zip()
    68. Python __import__()
      1. Description Python __impot__()
  2. python1compute
    1. Python Program to Find Hash of File
    2. Python Program to Find the Size (Resolution) of a Image
    3. Python Program to Merge Mails
    4. Python Program to Count the Number of Each Vowel - Source Code: Using a list and a dictionary comprehension
    5. Python Program to Count the Number of Each Vowel - Source Code: Using Dictionary
    6. Python Program to Illustrate Different Set Operations
    7. Python Program to Sort Words in Alphabetic Order
    8. Python Program to Remove Punctuations From a String
    9. Python Program to Multiply Two Matrices - Matrix Multiplication Using Nested List Comprehension
    10. Python Program to Multiply Two Matrices - Source Code: Matrix Multiplication using Nested Loop
    11. Python Program to Transpose a Matrix - Matrix Transpose using Nested List Comprehension
    12. Python Program to Transpose a Matrix - Matrix Transpose using Nested Loop
    13. Python Program to Add Two Matrices - Source Code: Matrix Addition using Nested List Comprehension
    14. Python Program to Check Whether a String is Palindrome or Not
    15. Python Program to Add Two Matrices - Source code: Matrix Addition using Nested Loop
    16. Python Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Using Recursion
    17. Python Program to Find Factorial of Number Using Recursion
    18. Python Program to Find Sum of Natural Numbers Using Recursion
    19. Python Program to Display Fibonacci Sequence Using Recursion
    20. Python Program to Display Calendar
    21. Python Program to Shuffle Deck of Cards
    22. Python Program to Make a Simple Calculator
    23. Python Program to Find Factors of Number
    24. Python Program to Find LCM - Without using GCD function
    25. Python Program to Find HCF or GCD - Source Code: Using Euclidean Algorithm
    26. Python Program to Find LCM - Source Code: Using GCD function
    27. Python Program to Find HCF or GCD - Source Code: Using Loops
    28. Python Program to Find ASCII Value of Character
    29. Python Program to Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal
    30. Python Program to Find Numbers Divisible by Another Number
    31. Python Program To Display Powers of 2 Using Anonymous Function
    32. Python Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers
    33. Python Program to Find Armstrong Number in an Interval
    34. Python Program to Check Armstrong Number - Source Code: Check Armstrong number of n digits
    35. Python Program to Check Armstrong Number - Source Code: Check Armstrong number (for 3 digits)
    36. Python Program to Print the Fibonacci sequence
    37. Python Program to Display the multiplication Table
    38. Python Program to Find the Factorial of a Number
    39. Python Program to Print all Prime Numbers in an Interval
    40. Python Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers
    41. Python Program to Check Prime Number
    42. Python Program to Check Leap Year
    43. Python Program to Check if a Number is Odd or Even
    44. Python Program to Check if a Number is Positive, Negative or 0 Source Code: Using Nested if
    45. Python Program to Check if a Number is Positive, Negative or 0 Source Code: Using if...elif...else
    46. Python Program to Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit
    47. Python Program to Generate a Random Number
    48. Python Program to Convert Kilometers to Miles
    49. Python Program to Swap Two Variables Source Code: Without Using Temporary Variable
    50. Python Program to Swap Two Variables Source Code: Using temporary variable
    51. Python Program to Solve Quadratic Equation
    52. Python Program to Calculate the Area of a Triangle
    53. Python Program to Find the Square Root Source code: For real or complex numbers using cmath module
    54. Python Program to Find the Square Root Source Code: For positive numbers using exponent **
    55. Python Program to Add Two Numbers By One Line
    56. Python Program to Add Two Numbers Source Code: Add Two Numbers Provided by The User
    57. Python Program to Add Two Numbers
    58. Python Program to Print Hello world!
  3. python2based
    1. firstone
    2. second
    3. third
    4. fourth
    5. fifth
    6. sixth
    7. seventh
    8. eighth
    9. ninth
    10. tenth


  1. Description of sorting function

Description hash()

Python hash()

The hash() method returns the hash value of an object if it has one.

Hash values are just integers which are used to compare dictionary keys during a dictionary lookup quickly.
Internally, hash() method calls __hash__() method of an object which are set by default for any object. We'll look at this later.
The syntax of hash() method is:

hash() Parameters

The hash() method takes a single parameter:
• object - the object whose hash value is to be returned (integer, string, float)

Return value from hash()

The hash() method returns the hash value of an object if it has one.
If an object has custom __hash__() method, it truncates the return value to the size of Py_ssize_t.

Example 1: How hash() works in Python?

# hash for integer unchanged
print('Hash for 181 is:', hash(181))

# hash for decimal
print('Hash for 181.23 is:',hash(181.23))

# hash for string
print('Hash for Python is:', hash('Python'))
When you run the program, the output will be:
Hash for 181 is: 181
Hash for 181.23 is: 530343892119126197
Hash for Python is: 2230730083538390373

Example 2: hash() for immutable tuple object?

The hash() method only works for immutable objects as tuple.
# tuple of vowels
vowels = ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')

print('The hash is:', hash(vowels))
When you run the program, the output will be:
The hash is: -695778075465126279

How hash() works for custom objects?

As stated above, hash() method internally calls __hash__() method. So, any objects can override the __hash__() for custom hash values.

But for correct hash implementation, __hash__() should always return an integer. And, both __eq__() and __hash__() methods have to be implemented.
Below are the cases for correct __hash__() override.
Defined (by default)Defined (by default)If left as is, all objects compare unequal (except themselves)
(If mutable) DefinedShould not be definedImplementation of hashable collection requires key's hash value be immutable
Not definedShould not be definedIf __eq__() isn't defined, __hash__() should not be defined.
DefinedNot definedClass instances will not be usable as hashable collection. __hash__() implicity set to None Raises TypeError exception if tried to retrieve the hash.
DefinedRetain from Parent__hash__ = <ParentClass>.__hash__
DefinedDoesn't want to hash__hash__ = None Raises TypeError exception if tried to retrieve the hash.

Example 3: hash() for Custom Objects by overriding __hash__()

class Person:
def __init__(self, age, name):
self.age = age = name

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.age == other.age and ==

def __hash__(self):
print('The hash is:')
return hash((self.age,

person = Person(23, 'Adam')
When you run the program, the output will be:
The hash is:
3785419240612877014Note: You don't have to implement the __eq__() method for the hash as it is created by default for all objects.