Run your blog with Ghost, Docker and LetsEncrypt

In this blog post I’ll show you how to set up your own blog just like mine with Ghost, Docker, Nginx and LetsEncrypt for HTTPS. You can follow these instructions to kick-start your own blog or find some alternative approaches in the conclusion.

When I decided to start my blog I knew that I wanted it to have a clean and uncluttered theme, no dependencies on an external relational database and that it should allow me to write in Markdown. Markdown is a kind of structured text for writing documentation which gets turned into HTML for viewing.

I heard about Ghost – a blogging platform written in Node.js that used SQLite as a back-end. After trying it out I set it up on my Raspberry Pi and registered a domain name that allowed dynamic DNS updates. From there I started writing 1-3 times per week about the various open-source technologies I was learning.


I used to self-host my blog at home with a domain-name from Their free dynamic-DNS service allowed me to serve up web content without a static IP address. I ran the blog on my Raspberry Pi which involved producing and maintaining a Dockerfile for ARM. This setup served me well but the uptime started to suffer every time the ISP had a “hiccup” in their network. So I moved it over to a public cloud host to ensure a better uptime.

Follow my current setup

In the next section I’ll tell you how my blog is running today and you can follow these steps to set up your own in the same way.

Set up a cloud host

The first step is to set up a cloud host. If you already have a blog or website and you are using a log analyzer or analytics platform then find out where most of your readers are based. For me, the majority of my readers are based in North America on the East Coast so that’s where I provisioned a cloud host.

Google Analytics is a good option for analytics and real-time insights.

Here are some good options for hosting providers:

The cheapest options will cost you around 5-10 USD / month with Packet costing around 36 USD / month. I do not advise going any cheaper than this. The first two providers listed use VMs so also offer the ability to make snapshots of your host at any time for a small fee. This is a quick way of doing a backup.

Pick an OS

I picked Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS. All of the providers above support this flavour at time of writing. Ubuntu 17.10 is also a valid option but some command line steps may be different.

Lock down the configuration

Some providers offer a cloud firewall which should be enough to close off incoming connections. The advantage of a cloud firewall is that if you mess things up you can turn it off easily. Be careful configuring a firewall in software – you don’t want to get locked out inadvertently.

I used ufw Uncomplicated Firewall to close incoming connections from the Internet and allow outgoing ones.

  • Install ufw:

$ sudo apt install ufw

  • Setup a basic configuration to allow SSH, HTTPS and HTTP incoming

Create and run chmod +x ./

ufw default deny incoming
ufw default allow outgoing
ufw allow ssh
ufw allow 80/tcp
ufw allow 443/tcp
ufw enable

Then run the script: sudo ./

You can check the config at any time with:

$ sudo ufw status verbose

You can disable the ufw configuration at any time with:

$ sudo ufw disable

In a new terminal window check that you can still access your host via ssh.

Install Docker

The simplest way to install Docker CE on Ubuntu is via the official utility script:

curl -sL | sh

If you’re using a regular user-account then run usermod i.e.:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker alex

Log out and in again so that your user can access the docker command.

Install Nginx on the host – part 1

Nginx is a load-balancer and reverse proxy. We will use it to stand in front of Ghost and offer HTTPS. If you want to run more than one blog later on you can also use Nginx to help with that.

This is a two-part process.

We’re installing Nginx directly onto the host for simplicity and lower latency.

$ sudo apt install nginx

You can take my configuration file and use it as a template – just change the domain name values for your own host.

This configuration does two things:

  • Prepares a static folder for LetsEncrypt to use later on port 80
  • Sets up a redirect to the HTTPS-enabled version of your site for any calls on port 80

server {
listen 80;
location /.well-known/ {
root /var/www/;

location / {
return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

Change the hostname etc and place it at /etc/nginx/conf.d/default

Obtain a HTTPS certificate from LetsEncrypt

Before we enable Nginx we’ll need to obtain a certificate for your domain. HTTPS encrypts the HTTP connection between your users and your blog. It is essential for when you use the admin page.

Note: if you avoid this step your password will be sent in clear-text over the Internet.

Use certbot to get a certificate.

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install python-certbot-nginx
sudo certbot –authenticator webroot –installer nginx

You can also use alternative for HTTPS such as Cloudflare’s free tier, but this will not give you a green lock and only encrypts a user’s traffic from their device up to the Cloudflare server. The last hop is left open and vulnerable.

Install Nginx on the host – part 2

Now that you have a certificate in /etc/letsencrypt/live for your blog you can finish adding the configuration for Nginx.

These lines enable HTTPS for your blog, but remember to personalise the domain replacing with your own domain name.

Edit /etc/nginx/conf.d/default:

server {
listen 443 ssl;

location / {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl on;


Run the blog with Ghost and Docker

In this step we will run the blog software in a container and configure it with a URL.

Save and run chmod +x ./

docker rm -f ghost

docker run –name ghost
-e url=
-v /home/alex/ghost/content:/var/lib/ghost/content
-d ghost:1.21.1-alpine

  • Replace /home/alex with your home directory
  • Replace url= with the URL of your website

Note that the line -p means Docker won’t interfere with the configuration of ufw and expose the Ghost blog directly.

You can run the shell script now called ./ and check that the site came up with docker ps. If something appears to have gone wrong then type in docker logs ghost to check on the container. The shell-script is re-runnable but you only need to run it once – when you restart the machine Docker will automatically restart the container.

Attempt to access the site from the host’s shell:

$ curl -H “Host:”

Enable Nginx

You can now start and enable Nginx, then head over to your URL in a web-browser to test that everything worked.

$ sudo systemctl enable nginx
$ sudo systemctl start nginx

If you see an error then type in sudo systemctl status nginx -l to view the logs. A common error is to miss a ; semi-colon from the end of a line in a configuration file.

Register your admin account

You now need to register the admin account on your blog so that you can write new posts.

Head over to the URL of your blog adding the suffix /admin and follow the new user flow.

Set up the classic theme (optional)

If you have used Ghost before then you may remember the classic theme (LTS) which I use on my blog. If you would like that instead of the default then you can find it on the Ghost GitHub site in the lts branch. Click “Clone or Download” then “Download Zip”. You can then install it via the Ghost admin page.

Day 2 operations

Here are some “Day 2” operations that relate to how I run my blog on a day-to-day basis.

Setup a backup regime

You need to back up your blog posts. Here’s two simple ideas:

  • Take snapshots

The easiest way to make a backup is to take a snapshot of your host through the cloud provider’s control-panel feature. These snapshots do cost money and it’s often not a one-off cost – it will be recurring, so bear that in mind if picking this option. If you lose the host you can restore the machine and the blog posts at once.

  • Store an archive off-site

Take a tar or zip of the content directory and store it in a private AWS S3 bucket using CLI tools. This is a cheaper option that taking snapshots. If you lose your host then you’ll have to rebuild the whole machine using this blog post, but your blog posts will be restored.

  • Export data from the UI

You can also export your data as a .json file from the admin panel. This is a manual task, but simple to do. It can be used to restore your data if you set up Ghost again.

Pro-tip: Backup regimes need to be tested – don’t wait until you have important posts to test out recovering from a failure.

Update Ghost

The Docker team host an official image for ghost on the Docker Hub. When you want to update to a newer version then check the tags listed and edit the script and run it again.

Use analytics

You can install Google Analytics on any site you set up for free. It will show you where your audience is located and which pages they are most interested in. I use this data to drive what to blog about next. It also gives you clues as to where your traffic is coming from – was it Docker Weekly? Or that post on Reddit that got me that spike in traffic?

If you have objections to using Google Analytics, then I’d suggest using some kind of log analyzer or aggregator instead such as the ELK stack or matomo.

Use the insights from the analytics to make your blog better.

Renew your HTTPS certificates

Every three months you will need to renew your HTTPS certificates with LetsEncrypt. This is a caveat of using a free service – they will also send you emails when the certificate is close to its expiry date.

You can automate this with a shell-script and cron.

I enable comments on my site via Disqus. This gives people a quick way to get in touch with me avoiding unnecessary emails or Tweets which are out of context. They can also see a thread of discussion and what other people have said about the post. Sometimes one person will post a question and someone else will answer it before I have a chance to get there.

If you don’t want to enable comments then that’s OK too, my advice is to make sure it’s super easy for people to get in touch with you with questions, comments and suggestions.

Run a second blog

If you have several blogs you can run them all on the same system providing it has enough RAM and disk available. Just follow the steps above on the same host for each blog.

Wrapping up

I’ve been using Ghost as my primary blogging platform for several years and find it easy to write a blog post in one sitting or over several by using the draft post feature. My blog post today does not offer the only way to set up Ghost – it offers my current method and there is always room for automation and improvement.

If setting up your own blog seems like too much work (maybe it is) then there are some short-cuts available:

  • offers free blogs and a WYSIWYG editor, it’s very popular with developers.
  • Ghost offer a hosted option for their blog – be warned they do charge per page-view, so if you have a popular site it could be expensive
  • DigitalOcean offer a VM image which has Ghost and ufw set up already, but without LetsEncrypt configured. It could be a good starting point if you want to host on DigitalOcean.

Run your blog with Ghost, Docker and LetsEncrypt @TryGhost @docker @letsencrypt

— Alex Ellis (@alexellisuk) February 16, 2018

Follow me on Twitter @alexellisuk

Acknowledgements: thanks to Richard Gee for proof reading this post. Lead image from Pexels.


The Machines Can Do the Work, a Story of Kubernetes Testing, CI, and Automating the Contributor Experience

Author: Aaron Crickenberger (Google) and Benjamin Elder (Google)

“Large projects have a lot of less exciting, yet, hard work. We value time spent automating repetitive work more highly than toil. Where that work cannot be automated, it is our culture to recognize and reward all types of contributions. However, heroism is not sustainable.”Kubernetes Community Values

Like many open source projects, Kubernetes is hosted on GitHub. We felt the barrier to participation would be lowest if the project lived where developers already worked, using tools and processes developers already knew. Thus the project embraced the service fully: it was the basis of our workflow, our issue tracker, our documentation, our blog platform, our team structure, and more.

This strategy worked. It worked so well that the project quickly scaled past its contributors’ capacity as humans. What followed was an incredible journey of automation and innovation. We didn’t just need to rebuild our airplane mid-flight without crashing, we needed to convert it into a rocketship and launch into orbit. We needed machines to do the work.

The Work

Initially, we focused on the fact that we needed to support the sheer volume of tests mandated by a complex distributed system such as Kubernetes. Real world failure scenarios had to be exercised via end-to-end (e2e) tests to ensure proper functionality. Unfortunately, e2e tests were susceptible to flakes (random failures) and took anywhere from an hour to a day to complete.

Further experience revealed other areas where machines could do the work for us:

  • PR Workflow
    • Did the contributor sign our CLA?
    • Did the PR pass tests?
    • Is the PR mergeable?
    • Did the merge commit pass tests?
  • Triage
    • Who should be reviewing PRs?
    • Is there enough information to route an issue to the right people?
    • Is an issue still relevant?
  • Project Health
    • What is happening in the project?
    • What should we be paying attention to?

As we developed automation to improve our situation, we followed a few guiding principles:

  • Follow the push/poll control loop patterns that worked well for Kubernetes
  • Prefer stateless loosely coupled services that do one thing well
  • Prefer empowering the entire community over empowering a few core contributors
  • Eat our own dogfood and avoid reinventing wheels

Enter Prow

This led us to create Prow as the central component for our automation. Prow is sort of like an If This, Then That for GitHub events, with a built-in library of commands, plugins, and utilities. We built Prow on top of Kubernetes to free ourselves from worrying about resource management and scheduling, and ensure a more pleasant operational experience.

Prow lets us do things like:

  • Allow our community to triage issues/PRs by commenting commands such as “/priority critical-urgent”, “/assign mary” or “/close”
  • Auto-label PRs based on how much code they change, or which files they touch
  • Age out issues/PRs that have remained inactive for too long
  • Auto-merge PRs that meet our PR workflow requirements
  • Run CI jobs defined as Knative Builds, Kubernetes Pods, or Jenkins jobs
  • Enforce org-wide and per-repo GitHub policies like branch protection and GitHub labels

Prow was initially developed by the engineering productivity team building Google Kubernetes Engine, and is actively contributed to by multiple members of Kubernetes SIG Testing. Prow has been adopted by several other open source projects, including Istio, JetStack, Knative and OpenShift. Getting started with Prow takes a Kubernetes cluster and kubectl apply starter.yaml (running pods on a Kubernetes cluster).

Once we had Prow in place, we began to hit other scaling bottlenecks, and so produced additional tooling to support testing at the scale required by Kubernetes, including:

  • Boskos: manages job resources (such as GCP projects) in pools, checking them out for jobs and cleaning them up automatically (with monitoring)
  • ghProxy: a reverse proxy HTTP cache optimized for use with the GitHub API, to ensure our token usage doesn’t hit API limits (with monitoring)
  • Greenhouse: allows us to use a remote bazel cache to provide faster build and test results for PRs (with monitoring)
  • Splice: allows us to test and merge PRs in a batch, ensuring our merge velocity is not limited to our test velocity
  • Tide: allows us to merge PRs selected via GitHub queries rather than ordered in a queue, allowing for significantly higher merge velocity in tandem with splice

Scaling Project Health

With workflow automation addressed, we turned our attention to project health. We chose to use Google Cloud Storage (GCS) as our source of truth for all test data, allowing us to lean on established infrastructure, and allowed the community to contribute results. We then built a variety of tools to help individuals and the project as a whole make sense of this data, including:

  • Gubernator: display the results and test history for a given PR
  • Kettle: transfer data from GCS to a publicly accessible bigquery dataset
  • PR dashboard: a workflow-aware dashboard that allows contributors to understand which PRs require attention and why
  • Triage: identify common failures that happen across all jobs and tests
  • Testgrid: display test results for a given job across all runs, summarize test results across groups of jobs

We approached the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) to develop DevStats to glean insights from our GitHub events such as:

Into the Beyond

Today, the Kubernetes project spans over 125 repos across five orgs. There are 31 Special Interests Groups and 10 Working Groups coordinating development within the project. In the last year the project has had participation from over 13,800 unique developers on GitHub.

On any given weekday our Prow instance runs over 10,000 CI jobs; from March 2017 to March 2018 it ran 4.3 million jobs. Most of these jobs involve standing up an entire Kubernetes cluster, and exercising it using real world scenarios. They allow us to ensure all supported releases of Kubernetes work across cloud providers, container engines, and networking plugins. They make sure the latest releases of Kubernetes work with various optional features enabled, upgrade safely, meet performance requirements, and work across architectures.

With today’s announcement from CNCF – noting that Google Cloud has begun transferring ownership and management of the Kubernetes project’s cloud resources to CNCF community contributors, we are excited to embark on another journey. One that allows the project infrastructure to be owned and operated by the community of contributors, following the same open governance model that has worked for the rest of the project. Sound exciting to you? Come talk to us at #sig-testing on

Want to find out more? Come check out these resources:


What’s New in Navigator? – Jetstack Blog

18/Jan 2018

By Richard Wall

Navigator is a Kubernetes extension for managing distributed databases.
In this post we’ll tell you about all the improvements we’ve made since we unveiled it last year, including:
experimental support for Apache Cassandra clusters,
improved support for Elasticsearch clusters,
and a Helm chart for easy installation!
We’ll also give you an overview of the Navigator roadmap for 2018.

The Apache Cassandra database is a leading NoSQL database designed for scalability and high availability without compromising performance.
It’s an ideal candidate for running on a scalable, highly available, distributed platform such as Kubernetes.
For that reason it was the database chosen to showcase the potential of Kubernetes StatefulSets (or PetSet as it was known initially).
Since then a Cassandra example has been added to the official Kubernetes documentation but it is only an example; it is not sufficient if you want to run a Cassandra cluster on Kubernetes in production.

Enter Navigator!
Navigator now has experimental support the Apache Cassandra database.
Navigator codifies and automates many of the processes that would previously have been performed by a database administrator or SRE (Site Reliability Engineer) (the operator).
For example it will bootstrap a Cassandra cluster and create a load balancer for distributing CQL connections to all the cluster nodes.
It performs regular node health checks which means that if a node becomes unresponsive, that node will be automatically bypassed by the loadbalancer and eventually the node will be restarted.
Navigator can also scale up your Cassandra cluster, and it’s as simple as using Helm to increment the replicas field on the CassandraCluster API resource.
See the demo below.

This is what’s currently possible and our goal is to make it simple enough that any developer can request a secure, highly available, scalable Cassandra database and Navigator will take care of the rest, ensuring that:

  • there are adequate database nodes running to service the database clients,
  • that failed or unresponsive database nodes are restarted.
  • Database nodes are distributed across zones / data center.
  • Database seed nodes are established in each data center.
  • Database nodes are cleanly removed from the cluster before being removed or upgaded.
  • A quorum of database nodes is maintained.
  • Database state is backed.
  • Database state can be recovered in the event of a catastrophic failure.

Now for a demo.


In this short screen cast we demonstrate how to install Navigator and then install a Cassandra cluster, using Helm.
We also show how to examine the status and logs of Navigator components and of the Cassandra database nodes.
We demonstrate how to scale up the Cassandra database and then connect to the database using cqlsh to create a key space, a table and insert some data.

The commands used in the demo are available in the Navigator repository.

Elasticsearch was the first database supported by Navigator and we’ve made dozens of improvements in the last six months,
working closely with customers and the community.

Here are some examples:

Pilot Resources

The Navigator Pilot is a process which is injected into the container of the target database and becomes the entry point for the container.
So instead of starting the database process immediately, Kubernetes will actually start a /pilot process which first connects to the Navigator API to discover the desired database configuration.
It then configures and starts up an Elasticsearch sub-process.

We’ve introduced a new Pilot API resource.
This is a place where the controller can publish the desired configuration (spec) of each database node.
And it’s where a Pilot process can publish the actual state of its database sub-process (status).

The Navigator controller creates a Pilot resource for every pod under its control.

Sub-process Management

We’ve made many improvements to the Pilot to ensure that:

  • It cleanly starts the database sub-process.
  • It catches TERM signals and allows its database sub-process to be cleanly stopped.
  • It can reliably detect when its database sub-process has stopped.

Health Checks

And the Pilot now has a new REST endpoint (/healthz ) through which it responds to Kubernetes Readiness and Liveness probes.
While the database is running, the Pilot queries the Elasticsearch API to gather the current state of the database and publishes it via the /healthz endpoint.

Leader Election

Pilots now have a leader election mechanism.
This allows a single “leader” Pilot process to perform cluster-wide administrative functions.

Scale Down Safely

This is all groundwork which will allow us to safely scale down Elasticsearch clusters.

Navigator now runs in (and is tested in) Kubernetes environments where RBAC is enabled.
The Navigator API server, the Navigator controller, and the Pilots all run with the least necessary privilege.

And if you prefer, you can run a separate Navigator controller for each database namespace.
We’ve implemented a new Filtered Informer mechanism so that, in this mode, the Navigator controller will only be able to interact with API resources in a single namespace.

Navigator now has its own API server which is aggregated into the Kubernetes API.

The reason for this change was to overcome the limitations of CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions).
Most importantly it allows us to assign versions to our Navigator API resource types, as they evolve.
And it allows seamless conversion between different versions of the resources.

And while the Navigator architecture has become somewhat more complex, the installation of Navigator has been vastly simplified by the introduction of a Navigator Helm chart (see below).

Navigator now has a tried and tested Helm chart.

This allows you to install and configure the Navigator API server, and the Navigator Controller, and all the supporting Kubernetes resources, in a single fool-proof step.
We use that same Helm chart to install Navigator before running our end-to-end tests, so we (and you) can be confident that this installation mechanism is reliable.
The Helm chart is quite configurable and allows you to tweak the logging level of the Navigator components for example.

We have also been working on a suite of end-to-end tests for Navigator.

These verify that the Navigator API server and the Navigator controller can be installed, using Helm, as documented.
They verify that the Navigator API server is successfully aggregated in all the versions of Kubernetes we support.
That the Navigator controller starts an Elasticsearch or Cassandra database cluster matching the desired configuration in the API server.
And most importantly that the databases are actually usable after they have been launched.

We now use Kubernetes test infrastructure to run unit tests and end-to-end tests.

We initially tried running tests against Minikube on Travis CI and it totally worked!
But we soon encountered limitations. We needed to use the minikube start –bootstrapper=kubeadm option, in order to properly set up the Navigator API server aggregation; but that doesn’t work on the Ubuntu 14.04 operating system provided by Travis-CI.

Additionally some of our end-to-end tests were attempting to launch (and scale-up) multi-node Elasticsearch and Cassandra databases.
A single Travis-CI virtual machine just doesn’t cut the mustard.

So we’ve installed our own test infrastructure on Google Cloud and installed and tweaked the Kubernetes Test-Infra for our own purposes and it works great!

We’ll write more about this in a future blog post but for now take a look at: ‘Prow: Testing the way to Kubernetes Next’ and ‘Making Use of Kubernetes Test Infra Tools’, which give a great introduction to the Kubernetes Test-Infra tools.

The Navigator API is subject to change and the project is still in an alpha state so we ask that you do not use it in production, yet!
But we’re working flat out to add more features and to make Navigator as robust as possible.
Here are some of the features that we’re working on:

  • Scale Down: Safely scale down all supported databases
  • Database Upgrade: Rolling upgrades of all supported databases
  • Backup and Restore: Scheduled database backup and automated restore

So stay tuned!
And join us if you can at QCon London, in March 2018, where we plan to announce and demonstrate a new Navigator release.
Hope to see you there!


From Cattle to K8s – Scheduling Workloads in Rancher 2.0

An important and complex aspect of container orchestration is scheduling the application containers. Appropriate placement of containers onto the shared infrastructure resources that are available is the key to achieve maximum performance at optimum compute resource usage.


Cattle, which is the default orchestration engine for Rancher 1.6, provided various scheduling abilities to effectively place services, as documented here.

With the release of the 2.0 version based on Kubernetes, Rancher now utilizes native Kubernetes scheduling. In this article we will look at the scheduling methods available in Rancher 2.0 in comparison to Cattle’s scheduling support.

How to Migrate from Rancher 1.6 to Rancher 2.1 Online Meetup

Key terminology differences, implementing key elements, and transforming Compose to YAML

Watch the video

Node Scheduling

Based on the native Kubernetes behavior, by default, pods in a Rancher 2.0 workload will be spread across the nodes (hosts) that are schedulable and have enough free capacity. But just like the 1.6 version, Rancher 2.0 also facilitates:

  • Running all pods on a specific node.
  • Node scheduling using labels.

Here is how scheduling in the 1.6 UI looks. Rancher lets you either run all containers on a specific host, specify hard/soft host labels, or use affinity/anti-affinity rules while deploying services.


And here is the equivalent node scheduling UI for Rancher 2.0 that provides the same features while deploying workloads.


Rancher uses the underlying native Kubernetes constructs to specify node affinity/anti-affinity. Detailed documentation from Kubernetes is available here.

Let’s run through some examples that schedule workload pods using these node scheduling options, and then check how the Kubernetes YAML specs look like in comparison to the 1.6 Docker Compose config.

Example: Run All Pods on a Specific Node

While deploying a workload (navigate to your Cluster > Project > Workloads), it is possible to schedule all pods in your workload to a specific node.

Here I am deploying a workload of scale = 2 using the nginx image on a specific node.


Rancher will choose that node if there is enough compute resource availability and no port conflicts if hostPort is used. If the workload exposes itself using a nodePort that conflicts with another workload, the deployment gets created successfully, but no nodePort service is created. Therefore, the workload doesn’t get exposed at all.

On the Workloads tab, you can list the workload group by node. I can see both of the pods for my Nginx workload are scheduled on the specified node:


Now here is what this scheduling rule looks like in Kubernetes pod specs:


Example: Host Label Affinity/Anti-Affinity

I added a label foo=bar to node1 in my Rancher 2.0 cluster to test the label-based node scheduling rules.


Host Label Affinity: Hard

Here is how to specify a host label affinity rule in the Rancher 2.0 UI. A hard affinity rule means that the host chosen must satisfy all the scheduling rules. If no such host can be found, the workload will fail to deploy.


In the PodSpec YAML, this rule translates to field nodeAffinity. Also note that I have included the Rancher 1.6 docker-compose.yml used to achieve the same scheduling behavior using labels.


Host Label Affinity: Soft

If you are a Rancher 1.6 user, you know that a soft rule means that the scheduler should try to deploy the application per the rule, but can deploy even if the rule is not satisfied by any host. Here is how to specify this rule in Rancher 2.0 UI.


The corresponding YAML specs for the pod are shown below.


Host Label Anti-Affinity

Apart from the key = value host label matching rule, Kubernetes scheduling constructs also support the following operators:


So to achieve anti-affinity, you can use the operators NotIn and DoesNotExist for the node label.

Support for Other 1.6 Scheduling Options

If you are a Cattle user, you will be familiar with a few other scheduling options available in Rancher 1.6:

If you are using these options in your Rancher 1.6 setups, it is possible to replicate them in Rancher 2.0 using native Kubernetes scheduling options. As of v2.0.8, there is no UI support for these options while deploying workloads, but you can always use them by importing the Kubernetes YAML specs on a Rancher cluster.

Schedule Using Container labels

This 1.6 option lets you schedule containers to a host where a container with a specific label is already present. To do this on Rancher 2.0, use Kubernetes inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity feature.

As noted in these docs, Kubernetes allows you to constrain which nodes your pod can be scheduled to based on pod labels rather than node labels.

One of the most-used scheduling features in 1.6 was anti-affinity to the service itself using labels on containers. To replicate this behavior in Rancher 2.0, we can use pod anti-affinity constructs in Kubernetes YAML specs. For example, consider a Nginx web workload. To ensure that pods in this workload do not land on the same host, you can use the podAntiAffinity construct as shown below. By specifying podAntiAffinity using labels, we ensure that each Nginx replica does not co-locate on a single node.


Using Rancher CLI, this workload can be deployed onto the Kubernetes cluster. Note that the above deployment specifies three replicas, and I have three schedulable nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.


Since podAntiAffinity is specified, the three pods end up on different nodes. To further check how podAntiAffinity applies, I can scale up the deployment to four pods. Notice that the fourth pod cannot get scheduled since the scheduler cannot find another node to satisfy the podAntiAffinity rule.


Resource-Based Scheduling

While you are creating a service in Rancher 1.6, you can specify the memory reservation and mCPU reservation in the Security/Host tab in the UI. Cattle will schedule containers for the service onto hosts that have enough available compute resources.

In Rancher 2.0, you can specify the memory and CPU resources required by your workload pods using resources.requests.memory and resources.requests.cpu under the pod container specs. You can find more detail about these specs here.

When you specify these resource requests, the Kubernetes scheduler will assign the pod to a node with capacity.

Schedule Only Specific Services to Host

Rancher 1.6 has the ability to specify container labels on the host to only allow specific containers to be scheduled to it.

To achieve this in Rancher 2.0, use the equivalent Kubernetes feature of adding node taints (like host tags) and using tolerations in your pod specs.

Global Service

In Rancher 1.6, a global service is a service with a container deployed on every host in the environment.

If a service has the label ‘true’, then the Rancher 1.6 scheduler will schedule a service container on each host in the environment. As mentioned in the documentation, if a new host is added to the environment, and the host fulfills the global service’s host requirements, the service will automatically be started on it by Rancher.

The sample below is an example of a global service in Rancher 1.6. Note that just placing the required label is sufficient to make a service global.

version: ‘2’
image: nginx
stdin_open: true
tty: true
io.rancher.container.pull_image: always ‘true’

How can we deploy a global service in Rancher 2.0 using Kubernetes?

For this purpose, Rancher deploys a Kubernetes DaemonSet object for the user’s workload. A DaemonSet functions exactly like the Rancher 1.6 global service. The Kubernetes scheduler will deploy a pod on each node of the cluster, and as new nodes are added, the scheduler will start new pods on them provided they match the scheduling requirements of the workload.

Additionally, in 2.0, you can also limit a DaemonSet to be deployed to nodes that have a specific label, as mentioned here.

Deploying a DaemonSet Using Rancher 2.0 UI

If you are a Rancher 1.6 user, to migrate your global service to Rancher 2.0 using the UI, navigate to your Cluster > Project > Workloads view. While deploying a workload, you can choose the following workload types:


This is what the corresponding Kubernetes YAML specs look like for the above DaemonSet workload:

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: DaemonSet
labels: daemonSet-default-globalapp
name: globalapp
namespace: default
matchLabels: daemonSet-default-globalapp
labels: daemonSet-default-globalapp
affinity: {}
– image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: globalapp
resources: {}
stdin: true
tty: true
restartPolicy: Always

Docker Compose to Kubernetes YAML

To migrate a Rancher 1.6 global service to Rancher 2.0 using its Compose config, follow these steps.

You can convert the docker-compose.yml file from Rancher 1.6 to Kubernetes YAML using the Kompose tool, and then deploy the application using either the Kubectl client tool or Rancher CLI in the Kubernetes cluster.

Consider the docker-compose.yml specs mentioned above where the Nginx service is a global service. This is how it can be converted to Kubernetes YAML using Kompose:


Now configure the Rancher CLI against your Kubernetes Cluster and deploy the generated *-daemonset.yaml file.


As shown above, my Kubernetes cluster has two worker nodes where workloads can be scheduled, and deploying the global-daemonset.yaml started two pods for the Daemonset, one on each node.


In this article, we reviewed how the various scheduling functionalities of Rancher 1.6 can be migrated to Rancher 2.0. Most of the scheduling techniques have equivalent options available in Rancher 2.0, or they can be achieved via native Kubernetes constructs.

In the upcoming article, I will explore a bit about how service discovery support in Cattle can be replicated in a Rancher 2.0 setup – stay tuned!

Prachi Damle

Prachi Damle

Principal Software Engineer


2018 Steering Committee Election Cycle Kicks Off

2018 Steering Committee Election Cycle Kicks Off

Author: Paris Pittman (Google), Jorge Castro (Heptio), Ihor Dvoretskyi (CNCF)

Having a clear, definable governance model is crucial for the health of open source projects. For one of the highest velocity projects in the open source world, governance is critical especially for one as large and active as Kubernetes, which is one of the most high-velocity projects in the open source world. A clear structure helps users trust that the project will be nurtured and progress forward. Initially, this structure was laid by the former 7 member bootstrap committee composed of founders and senior contributors with a goal to create the foundational governance building blocks.

The initial charter and establishment of an election process to seat a full Steering Committee was a part of those first building blocks. Last year, the bootstrap committee kicked off the first Kubernetes Steering Committee election which brought forth 6 new members from the community as voted on by contributors. These new members plus the bootstrap committee formed the Steering Committee that we know today. This yearly election cycle will continue to ensure that new representatives get cycled through to add different voices and thoughts on the Kubernetes project strategy.

The committee has worked hard on topics that will streamline the project and how we operate. SIG (Special Interest Group) governance was an overarching recurring theme this year: Kubernetes community is not a monolithic organization, but a huge, distributed community, where Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Working Groups (WGs) are the atomic community units, that are making Kubernetes so successful from the ground.

Contributors – this is where you come in.

There are three seats up for election this year. The voters guide will get you up to speed on the specifics of this years election including candidate bios as they are updated in real time. The elections process doc will steer you towards eligibility, operations, and the fine print.

1) Nominate yourself, someone else, and/or put your support to others.

Want to help chart our course? Interested in governance and community topics? Add your name! The nomination process is optional.

2) Vote.

On September 19th, eligible voters will receive an email poll invite conducted by CIVS. The newly elected will be announced at the weekly community meeting on Thursday, October 4th at 5pm UTC.

To those who are running:

Helpful resources

  • Steering Committee – who sits on the committee and terms, their projects and meetings info
  • Steering Committee Charter – this is a great read if you’re interested in running (or assessing for the best candidates!)
  • Election Process
  • Voters Guide! – Updated on a rolling basis. This guide will always have the latest information throughout the election cycle. The complete schedule of events and candidate bios will be housed here.


The Kubernetes Market in 2018 // Jetstack Blog

25/Jan 2018

By Matt Barker

Not long ago, I overheard the Jetstack team chatting about recent changes in the market and the increasingly widespread adoption of Kubernetes. Only when I reflected to write this did I realise that we have been saying the same thing every few months for the past year.


Indeed, the Kubernetes market shows no sign of slowing down. Jetstack alone has tripled in size as we scale to cater to demand, KubeCon has gone from a couple of hundred in a small room to 4000 in a vast conference centre, and recent announcements have seen millions of dollars pour into the space as companies like Cisco and VMWare announce strategic investments.

And all of this is for good reason. We regularly see customers make huge reductions in cloud spend (75% in some cases), and vast improvements in project delivery times (up to 10x faster). I’m personally looking forward to hearing more of these stories as Kubernetes permeates the market in 2018.

As we are in the early stages of what promises to be another exciting year for Kubernetes, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on some of the major themes I have seen develop whilst running a professional service devoted to the project.


1.) Kubernetes has won the container management war

Defensive internal battles have been fought and lost. Amazon announced EKS, Docker now supports Kubernetes natively, and an ecosystem has been forged which will only grow stronger in magnitude as the ISVs and vendors start to build for ‘Kubernetes first.’

2.) Amongst early adopters, the conversation is changing from build to operations

In recent months, queries for Production Readiness Reviews and Advanced Operations Training have exploded. It may only be for smaller services, or as a pilot project, but teams are fast gearing up for what it takes to run Kubernetes in production.

Jetstack has worked towards updating our services to cater to this demand, and we have been developing training and operational playbooks as part of a subscription. This is the first step towards a suite of products and services that will help teams trying to get up to speed on Kubernetes.

We thank companies like Monzo for their openness in sharing what can go wrong in production, and how you can try to avoid situations like this.

3.) Multi-cloud is the ultimate aim for Jetstack customers

There’s no doubt that for certain customers the ease of GKE is a no-brainer, and for others, buying into a ready-made container platform like OpenShift is the best way to unlock Kubernetes value. However, for the vast majority of Jetstack customers, the ultimate goal is working with upstream Kubernetes in the most consistent way they can across multiple environments. The drivers for this are varied, but the major reasons we see include:

  • Ensuring their teams properly understand the components of Kubernetes and don’t hide it via a service. The big concern is that their operators are able to cope with production issues effectively.
  • Making the most of existing on-prem environments.
  • Regulatory reasons (mainly seen in banks, and used as a way to reduce risk of reliance on one cloud environment).
  • Fear of being locked into a cloud service.
  • OEM deployments for target customers with varying requirements.

Whilst working with a number of clients, notably CompareTheMarket, Jetstack was able to open source Tarmak, which is a suite of tools developed to give customers a cloud-agnostic way of delivering best-practice Kubernetes clusters. Read our Introducing Tarmak blog post for an in-depth discussion of its current features and design.


4.) Stateful services are still a thorny issue

In a perfect world, customers would run their stateful apps alongside stateless apps in Kubernetes, for deployment and management consistency. Sadly, for many people the complexities of running distributed systems within Kubernetes means they are often kept outside of the cluster.

Jetstack is working closely with a number of companies to build on Kubernetes and its machinery to provide databases in-cluster. We’ve integrated Elasticsearch for a European telco, Couchbase with Amadeus, and we are now actively working on Cassandra. If you’re interested in containerised database-as-a-service, take a look at Navigator. State will certainly be a part of the Kubernetes conversation this year.

5.) IT decision makers look further up the stack towards applications

Jetstack has started to receive its first queries around service mesh and serverless functionality on Kubernetes. We are delighted to be kicking off our first large-scale Istio project this month, and are closely analysing platforms like OpenFaaS and Kubeless.


Whether you’re part of the Kubernetes community or not, one thing is for certain: Kubernetes is now impossible to ignore.

So no matter if you’re a technical architect, a CIO, or a software vendor, it’s time to get involved, and become a part of the movement to automate your IT infrastructure.


Matt Barker and the Jetstack team.

This year, Jetstack is looking to expand into Europe: If you want to work on a variety of exciting Kubernetes projects, get in touch:


Gartner Dubs Heptio a “Cool Vendor” – Heptio

Some exciting news to share ‒ Gartner has named us a Cool Vendor in Cloud Infrastructure 2018*. The designation for 2018 went to four companies behind a key innovation enabling cloud native infrastructure. We’re honored to be recognized in the report — you can read the report to see what Gartner has to say about Heptio, Kubernetes and more.

When Joe and I started Heptio 19 months ago, we were committed to keeping Kubernetes open. We have always believed it is the best way to help companies move from legacy to cloud native, and to avoid vendor lock-in to any one platform or distribution. We certainly thought open by design was the “cool” path to take and each customer win, each collaboration with AWS and Azure, and now this newest accolade, has validated our thesis.

As we continue growing, we intend to join the ranks of companies that have risen from coolness to greatness by leveraging our unique strengths:

Community focus. We are committed to helping customers unlock the full potential of upstream Kubernetes and avoid the lock-in of legacy distributions. Our engineers and evangelists use projects, webinars, conference sessions and Heptio branded workshops to bring their industry leading knowledge to the larger open source community.

Business model innovation. Many companies have tried to monetize open source and most have struggled. We are innovating the business model itself with HKS, a combination of products, services and support that make it easier for organizations to deploy and manage Kubernetes so that they can develop software far more efficiently.

Culture. We understand that to build innovative products for the long-term, we have to build an exceptional culture. That’s why we prioritize diversity in hiring and equity in compensation. As our headcount ticks up, we use weekly all-company emails, bi-weekly all-hands, semi-annual team off-sites and team building events to create an uncommon degree of transparency.

We think that’s pretty cool. To the next milestone!

*Gartner, Cool Vendors in Cloud Infrastructure, Philip Dawson, Arun Chandrasekaran, Julia Palmer, 9 May 2018.

Disclaimer: Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


Deep Dive Into Kubernetes Networking in Azure

We started building our azure-operator in the fall of 2017. One of the challenges that we faced was the networking architecture. We evaluated multiple possible architectures and finally chose the one that was best by many parameters. We hope this post will help people setting up their own Azure clusters with decent networking. First let’s look at the available options for Kubernetes networking in Azure.

Calico with BGP

The first option was to use default Calico with BGP. We are using this option in our on-prem and AWS clusters. On Azure we faced some known limitations: IPIP tunnel traffic and unknown IP traffic is not allowed. Some additional information can be found here.

Azure Container Network

The second option was to use the Azure Container Networking (ACN) CNI plugin. ACN uses Azure network resources (network interfaces, routing tables, etc.) to provide networking connectivity for containers. Native Azure networking support was really promising, but after spending some time we were not able to run it successfully (issue). We did our evaluation in November 2017, at the moment (May 2018) many things have changed and ACN is used by the Azure official installer now.

Calico Policy-Only + Flannel

The third and most trivial option was to use overlay networking. Canal (Calico policy-only + Flannel) provides us with the benefits of network policies and overlay networking is universal meaning it can run anywhere. This is a very good option. The only drawback is the VxLAN overlay networking, which as with any other overlay has a performance penalty.

Finally the best option was to use a mix of Calico in policy-only mode and Kubernetes native (Azure cloud provider) support of Azure user-defined routes.

This approach has multiple benefits:

  • Native Kubernetes network policies backed by Calico (both ingress and egress).
  • Network performance (no overlay networking).
  • Easy configuration and no operational overhead.

The only difference from default Calico is that BGP networking is disabled. Instead we are enabling node CIDR allocation in Kubernetes. This is briefly described in the official Calico guide for Azure. Responsibility for routing pod traffic is lying with the Azure route table instead of BGP (used by default in Calico). This is shown on the diagram below.

To better understand the services configuration, let’s look at the next diagram below.

  • k8s-controller-manager allocates IP blocks for nodes and makes sure to create routes in Azure route table.
  • calico-node is responsible for applying network policies. Under the hood it does this by creating iptables rules locally on every node.
  • kubelet is responsible for calling Calico CNI scripts. CNI scripts setup the container virtual network interfaces (veth pair in this case) and local IP configuration.

The following checklist can help with configuring your cluster to use Azure route tables with Calico network policies.

  1. Azure route table created and mapped to subnet(s) with VMs. See how to create an Azure route table here.
  2. Kubernetes controller manager has –allocate-node-cidrs set to true and a proper subnet in the –cluster-cidr parameter. The subnet should be a part of Azure virtual network and will be used by pods. For example, for virtual network and VMs subnet we can pick up the second half of the virtual network, which is By default Kubernetes allocates /24 subnet per node which is equal to 256 pods per node. This controlled by –node-cidr-mask-size flag.
  3. Azure cloud provider config has routeTableName parameter set to the name of the routing table. In general, having a properly configured cloud provider config in Azure is very important, but this is out of scope of this post. All available options for Azure cloud provider can be found here.
  4. Calico is installed in policy-only mode with the Kubernetes datastore backend. This means Calico doesn’t need etcd access, all data stored in Kubernetes. See the official manual for details.

This post has shown some of the Kubernetes networking options in Azure and why we chose the solution we’re using. If you’re running Kubernetes on Azure or thinking about it you can read more about our production ready Kubernetes on Azure. If you’re interested in learning more about how Giant Swarm can run your Kubernetes on Azure, get in touch.


Introduction to Vitess: Using Vitess on Kubernetes

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A Vitess overview

Vitess is a database solution for deploying, scaling and managing large clusters of MySQL instances. It’s architected to run as effectively in a public or private cloud architecture as it does on dedicated hardware. It combines and extends many important MySQL features with the scalability of a NoSQL database.

In a simple scenario with Relational Databases and MySQL in particular, you would have a master instance, then a couple of replicas. You would then direct read-only queries to the replicas and write queries (and possible critical read queries) to the master instance. Similar to the setup in the image below:

MySQL default Setup

This all works fine, until you hit a limit:
– when your hardware doesn’t cope with the load and you need a more expensive hardware;
– you need to manually shard the database;
– cluster management becomes a growing pain;
– query monitoring is increasingly difficult.

These are the same problems engineers at youtube dealt with, and they came up with Vitess to solve these problems. Fortunately for us, they made it open source, so everyone can benefit from it.

Now you’ll see a lot of features of Vitess, that will seem like a list of buzzwords, but in this case, they are actually true:

  • Performance
    • Connection pooling – Multiplex front-end application queries onto a pool of MySQL connections to optimize performance.
    • Query de-duping – Reuse results of an in-flight query for any identical requests received while the in-flight query was still executing.
    • Transaction manager – Limit number of concurrent transactions and manage deadlines to optimize overall throughput.
  • Protection
    • Query rewriting and sanitization – Add limits and avoid non-deterministic updates.
    • Query killer – Terminate queries that take too long to return data.
    • Table ACLs – Specify access control lists (ACLs) for tables based on the connected user.
  • Monitoring
    • Performance analysis: Tools let you monitor, diagnose, and analyze your database performance.
    • Query streaming – Use a list of incoming queries to serve OLAP workloads.
    • Update stream – A server streams the list of rows changing in the database, which can be used as a mechanism to propagate changes to other data stores.
  • Topology Management Tools
    • Master management tools (handles reparenting)
    • Web-based management GUI
    • Designed to work in multiple data centers / regions
  • Sharding
    • Virtually seamless dynamic re-sharding
    • Vertical and Horizontal sharding support
    • Multiple sharding schemes, with the ability to plug-in custom ones

It can be clearly seen that, at scale, the above features become incredibly valuable and necessary.

Now, let’s try it out 🙂

Vitess has come a long way and now it is relatively easy to deploy a Vitess cluster with Kubernetes.

The plan is as follows:

  • deploy a Rancher 2.0 instance and use it for every deploy step in this article;
  • using Rancher 2.0, create a Kubernetes cluster;
  • deploy Vitess on the above Kubernetes cluster;
  • create a database on Vitess and query it;
  • deploy a test application in the same Kubernetes cluster, that will use Vitess;

You should be able to create all the resources needed for the outlined steps with a free trial from Google Cloud Platform. A trial from GCP has a limit of 8 cores per project, keep that in mind when deploying your resources.

Deploy a Rancher 2.0 instance and start a Kubernetes Cluster

There’s already a good guide on how to deploy a Rancher 2.0 instance here, thus let’s not get into many details here. One note – if you want to run this guide on Google Cloud Platform trial, then create a separate project for the Rancher instace, thus saving yourself a CPU core for the Kubernetes cluster (remember the 8 cores limit per project for the GCP trial?)

Now onto starting a Kubernetes Cluster. For this, there’s again a pretty good guide here. One note – Vitess documentation recommends a cluster of 5 n1-standard-4 instances, that will get you over the GCP trial limit. But, if you create a 4 nodes of n1-standard-2 type, this will get you exactly to the 8 cores limit per project for GCP trial and it’s enough for the outlined tasks. There will be some changes to the Vitess scripts, to deploy less resources, so you can fit needed resources into the smaller cluster.

The Create Cluster part from Rancher should look like in the below image:

Rancher Kubernetes Cluster

Start a Vitess control pod

Note the name of the cluster vitess-demo, it will be referenced further. Once you have your cluster created and active the first thing to do is to create a control instance, where you will have all the necessary tools for this Vitess demo. To do that, go to your newly created vitess-demo cluster, onto to the Default project and click on Deploy. Fill in there the details:

  • set the Name to vitess-control;
  • set the docker image to golang;
  • leave everything else as it is.

It should look like in the below image:
Vitess Control Deploy

Click confidently on Launch!

In a moment you should have your vitess-control pod running. It will be used as a control plane for your Vitess cluster and thanks to Rancher, you will be able to access it from anywhere you have an internet access and a browser.

Ok, let’s get to installing the control part. To do that, click on the right hand side menu of vitess-control pod and select Execute shell, just like in the screenshot below:

Vitess Control Execute Shell

Build, install vtctlclient and configure settings

This will bring you the go command line that we need. Let’s start typing commands there. First build and install vtctlclient by running:

go get

When successfull, this command doesn’t provide any output and it will download and build Vitess source code at this location: $GOPATH/src/, it will also copy the built vtctlclient binary to $GOPATH/bin.

Now let’s navigate to the Vitess source code directory and configure site-local settings with the following commands:

cd $GOPATH/src/

It should look as below:
Vitess begin steps

At the moment Vitess has out-of-the-box support for backups in Google Cloud Storage. If you want, you can create a bucket in Google Cloud to test the backup in this demo, but it’s not very important for the demo purposes.

There will also be a need to have kubectl configured on the vitess-control instance, to interact directly with the cluster. To do this, run the following commands on the vitess-control command line:

curl -LO$(curl -s
chmod +x ./kubectl
mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

Now you need the kubeconfig file, that you can get from Rancher. You can get that from the vitess-demo default dashboard. On the upper right corner you should see Launch kubectl and Kubeconfig file. Click on Kubeconfig file and you’ll be presented with the contents of the kubeconfig file. On the bottom you will have the Copy to Clipboard option, click on that. Now you need to paste it into ~/.kube/config file inside vitess-control instance. To do that, execute shell in vitess-control instance and issue the below commands there:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y vim
vim ~/.kube/config

Once you opened the file with vim, paste the kubeconfig file inside that file (don’t forget to enter insert mode in vim, by just pressing the I key, before pasting the contents).

Confirm that you have kubectl working properly, by issuing the following command:

You should see the only pod running, the exact one from which you’re running the commands – vitess-control

Start Vitess etcd cluster

The Vitess topology service stores coordination data for all the servers in a Vitess cluster. It can store this data in one of several consistent storage systems. In this example, we’ll use etcd. This will require a separate etcd cluster, from the Kubernetes one.

To easily create an etcd cluster, let’s install etcd-operator, using Rancher’s Catalog Apps. Go to Catalog Apps, click on Launch, search for etcd-operator. Once you’ve found etcd-operator, click on View Details and from the provided options, change only the namespace where etcd cluster will be deployed, because Vitess’ etcd-cluster will be deployed in the default namespace and etcd-operator has to be in the same namespace. It should look like this:

etcd-operator default namespace

Click on Lauch and wait a couple of moments for the etcd-operator to deploy. Verify that etcd-operator is running, by checking the Workloads tab and inside it, check the Service Discovery tab. If you see there etcd-operator as a workload and etcd-cluster with etcd-cluster-client as services, then everything is fine.

Now let’s start etcd cluster for Vitess. If you’re running this demo from a Google Cloud Platform trial account, then at this step you need to change the number of replicas started by the etcd cluster. To do that go to the Vitess control pod, Execute Shell and run the following command:

cd $GOPATH/src/

### example output
# Creating etcd service for ‘global’ cell…
# created
# Creating etcd service for ‘test’ cell…
# created

Check that pods are running:

# kubectl get pod
etcd-cluster-4ftlwdxbrp 1/1 Running 0 3m
etcd-cluster-bjjsrfkm4x 1/1 Running 0 3m
etcd-cluster-cxqkghhjt4 1/1 Running 0 2m
etcd-global-qbnvtfd66b 0/1 PodInitializing 0 10s
etcd-operator-etcd-operator-etcd-operator-7d467bd7fb-kpkvw 1/1 Running 0 3m
etcd-test-x4pn5jw99s 0/1 Running 0 10s
vitess-control-fdb84cbc4-7l2mp 1/1 Running 0 1h

Start vtctld

This one will be used to accept RPC commands from vtctlclient to modify the Vitess cluster. To install it, you’ll also need your vitess-control command line and issue there the following commands:

cd $GOPATH/src/

### example output
# Creating vtctld ClusterIP service…
# service/vtctld created
# Creating vtctld replicationcontroller…
# replicationcontroller/vtctld created

# To access vtctld web UI, start kubectl proxy in another terminal:
# kubectl proxy –port=8001
# Then visit http://localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/default/services/vtctld:web/

Try vtctlclient to send commands to vtctld

At this point you can run vtctlclient from the vitess-control pod, to issue commands to the vtctld service on your Kubernetes cluster.

To enable RPC access into the Kubernetes cluster, you’ll need to use kubectl to set up an authenticated tunnel.

Since the tunnel needs to target a particular vtctld pod name, guys at Vitess provided the script, which uses kubectl to discover the pod name and set up the tunnel before running vtctlclient. To test this, let’s run ./ help from where we left, this will test your connection to vtctld and list the vtctlclient commands that you can use to administer the Vitess cluster.

./ help

### example output
# Starting port forwarding to vtctld…
# Available commands:
# Tablets:
# InitTablet [-allow_update] [-allow_different_shard] [-allow_master_override] [-parent] [-db_name_override=<db name>] [-hostname=<hostname>] [-mysql_port=<port>] [-port=<port>] [-grpc_port=<port>] -keyspace=<keyspace> -shard=<shard> <tablet alias> <tablet type>

Setup Vitess cell in the topology (Vitess’s etcd cluster)

The global etcd cluster is configured from command-line parameters, specified in the Kubernetes configuration files. The per-cell etcd cluster however needs to be configured, so it is reachable by Vitess. Run the following commands from vitess-control pod to set it up:

cd $GOPATH/src/
./ AddCellInfo –root /test -server_address http://etcd-test-client:2379 test

If successful you should only see a INFO message that tells you that your command is proxied to vtctld.

Start a Vitess tablet

Now starting with the interesting parts. A Vitess tablet is the unit of scaling for the database. A tablet consists of the vttablet and mysqld processes, running on the same host. We enforce this coupling in Kubernetes by putting the respective containers for vttablet and mysqld inside a single pod.

To start a vttablet, guys from Vitess provided a script that will launch 5 vttablet pods. This can be configured, and if you want to fit into the CPU limit provided by GCP trial, you need to change those values. How to do that, will be presented below.

Now go to vitess-control command line and run the following commands:

cd $GOPATH/src/
### run below commands only if you want to change the vttable count from 5 to 3
### to fit into the GCP trial CPU limit
sed -i ‘s/RDONLY_COUNT:-2/RDONLY_COUNT:-1/g’
### end of vttablet count change

### example output
# Creating test_keyspace.shard-0 pods in cell test…
# Creating pod for tablet test-0000000100…
# pod/vttablet-100 created
# Creating pod for tablet test-0000000101…
# pod/vttablet-101 created
# Creating pod for tablet test-0000000102…
# pod/vttablet-102 created

At this point you should see tablet pods appearing in Rancher’s Workloads tab, just like shown below:

vttablets pods

You can also check the the status of the tablets from the vitess-control command line:

./ ListAllTablets test
### example output
# Starting port forwarding to vtctld…
# test-0000000100 test_keyspace 0 replica []
# test-0000000101 test_keyspace 0 replica []
# test-0000000102 test_keyspace 0 rdonly []

Initialize a MySQL Database

Once all tablets are up and running, it’s a good time to initialise a underlying MySQL database.

Take note that many vtctlclient commands produce no output on success, so the saying “No news, is good news” is valid here too.

First, designate one of the tablets to be the initial master. Vitess will automatically connect the other slaves’ mysqld instances so that they start replicating from the master’s mysqld. This is also when the default database is created. Since our keyspace is named test_keyspace, the MySQL database will be named vt_test_keyspace. As you can see from the ListAllTablets output, there are 2 replica and one rdonly tablets. Let’s designate the first tablet test-0000000100 as master (again, running from vitess-control command line):

cd $GOPATH/src/
./ InitShardMaster -force test_keyspace/0 test-0000000100

### example output
# Starting port forwarding to vtctld…
# W0817 22:29:32.961277 2530 main.go:60] W0817 22:29:32.958629 reparent.go:181] master-elect tablet test-0000000100 is not the shard master, proceeding anyway as -force was used
# W0817 22:29:32.961988 2530 main.go:60] W0817 22:29:32.959145 reparent.go:187] master-elect tablet test-0000000100 is not a master in the shard, proceeding anyway as -force was used

Since this is the first time the shard has been started, the tablets are not doing any replication yet, and there is no existing master. That is why the InitShardMaster command above uses the -force flag to bypass the usual sanity checks that would apply if this wasn’t a brand new shard.

Now you should be able to see one master, one replica and one rdonly (if you didn’t change the counts in the scripts, you should see several replicas and rdonly pods):

./ ListAllTablets test

### example output
# Starting port forwarding to vtctld…
# test-0000000100 test_keyspace 0 master []
# test-0000000101 test_keyspace 0 replica []
# test-0000000102 test_keyspace 0 rdonly []

The replica tablets are used for serving live web traffic, while the rdonly tablets are used for offline processing, such as batch jobs and backups.

Create a table inside Vitess Cluster

Now it’s starting to get shape and we can apply a schema to the databases. For this we can use the vtctlclient tool that can apply the database schema across all tablets in a keyspace. There’s already a provided create_test_table.sql file from vitess on your vitess-control pod, let’s apply it:

cd $GOPATH/src/
./ ApplySchema -sql “$(cat create_test_table.sql)” test_keyspace

The SQL that was applied is the following:

CREATE TABLE messages (
time_created_ns BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED,
message VARCHAR(10000),
PRIMARY KEY (page, time_created_ns)

And it can be viewed like this:

./ GetSchema test-0000000100

### example output
# Starting port forwarding to vtctld…
# {
# “database_schema”: “CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ {{.DatabaseName}} /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */”,
# “table_definitions”: [
# {
# “name”: “messages”,
# “schema”: “CREATE TABLE `messages` (n `page` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,n `time_created_ns` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,n `message` varchar(10000) DEFAULT NULL,n PRIMARY KEY (`page`,`time_created_ns`)n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8”,
# “columns”: [
# “page”,
# “time_created_ns”,
# “message”
# ],
# “primary_key_columns”: [
# “page”,
# “time_created_ns”
# ],
# “type”: “BASE TABLE”,
# “data_length”: “16384”,
# “row_count”: “0”
# }
# ],
# “version”: “5b2e5dbcb5766b6c69fe55c81b6ea805”
# }

Initialise Vitess routing schema

The example above we have just a database, with no specific configuration and we need to make that (empty) configuration visible for serving with the following command:

./ RebuildVSchemaGraph

As this command doesn’t produce any output on success, you’re good if you don’t receive any messages.

Start Vitess routing proxy – vtgate

Vitess uses vtgate to route each client query to the correct vttablet. In Kubernetes, a vtgate service distributes connections to a pool of vtgate pods. There’s again a script ready to start vtgate and it can also be changed to start a lower number of pods, to fit the GCP trial limit. Now go to vitess-control command line and run the following commands:

cd $GOPATH/src/
### run below command only if you want to change the vtgate count from 3 to 1
### to fit into the GCP trial CPU limit
### end of vttablet count change


### example output
# Creating vtgate service in cell test…
# service/vtgate-test created
# Creating vtgate replicationcontroller in cell test…
# replicationcontroller/vtgate-test created

After a couple of moments, you should see vtgate-test Workload in Rancher’s dashboard.

Test your cluster with an App

Now comes the most awaited moment – testing your Vitess cluster with an App. Guys from Vitess provided that too, that is also already present on your vitess-control pod. It is a GuestBook example that uses Vitess as a backend database. Apply it from the vitess-control pod:

cd $GOPATH/src/

### example output
# Creating guestbook service…
# service/guestbook created
# Creating guestbook replicationcontroller…
# replicationcontroller/guestbook created

At this moment you should be able to access the GuestBook app in your browser. You need to get the public IP address of it. There are at least 2 ways to do that:
– first one is to view it in Rancher, by going to Rancher’s workloads, then select Load Balancer, there you should see the GuestBook load balancer. From it’s right hand side menu, select View in API and then in the new opened page, search for PublicEndpoints -> Addresses, there you should have the public IP address of your GuestBook app.
– second one is to get it from the vitess-control command line, by running the following command:

kubectl get service guestbook -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}’

### example output

Now you can access the GuestBook by pointing your browser to that IP address. It should look like this:

Guestbook demo

If you click on random page, it will generate a random page and insert it into the above created schema inside Vitess. Do that a couple of times and also post some messages to those pages, so we can view them afterwards in Vitess.

You can see Vitess’ replication capabilities by opening the app in multiple browser windows, with the same Guestbook page number. Each new entry is committed to the master database. In the meantime, JavaScript on the page continuously polls the app server to retrieve a list of GuestBook entries. The app serves read-only requests by querying Vitess in ‘replica’ mode, confirming that replication is working.

Now let’s see how it looks inside Vitess, go to vitess-control command line and issue the following commands:

cd $GOPATH/src/
./ ExecuteFetchAsDba test-0000000100 “SELECT * FROM messages”

### example output
# Starting port forwarding to vtctld…
# +——+———————+———–+
# | page | time_created_ns | message |
# +——+———————+———–+
# | 0 | 1534547955692433152 | Hello |
# | 0 | 1534547959825954816 | World |
# | 65 | 1534547943325885184 | And |
# | 65 | 1534547947058206208 | again |
# +——+———————+———–+

Next steps

Now as you’ve seen what Vitess can do on the surface, the next step would be to try Vitess resharding or dynamic resharding, just note that for these you’ll need more resources than those provided by Google Cloud Platform trial limits.

Tear down the app and the clusters

To clean up all the demo pods and services you’ve created, there are also scripts provided for that, that you can run from the vitess-control pod:

cd $GOPATH/src/

The last cleaning steps would be to delete the cluster from Rancher and then terminate the Rancher instance from the Google Cloud Platform console.

Some final thoughts

Vitess is a very powerful and very useful MySQL backend. Although it requires a little bit of effort to understand and properly set up, it offers a huge advantage for the future management of massive MySQL databases and it will scale easily. If Vitess is the default MySQL backend for giants like YouTube, it certainly has it’s merits.

Rancher helped a lot in this demo to have everything in one place, I only had to have one Rancher instance to be able to do all the work, just by accessing it in a browser. The control instance was there, and all cluster details were there, just at a click distance.

Roman Doroschevici

Roman Doroschevici



Now Open: DockerCon Europe Diversity Scholarship!

Over the last 3 years, Docker has provided over 75 financial scholarships to members of the Docker community, who are traditionally underrepresented, to attend DockerCon. By actively promoting diversity of all kinds, our goal is make DockerCon a safe place for all to learn, belong and collaborate.

With the continued support of Docker and one of our DockerCon scholarship sponsors, the Open Container Initiative (OCI), we are excited to announce the launch of the DockerCon Europe Diversity Scholarship Program. This year, we are increasing the number of scholarships we are granting to ensure attending DockerCon is an option for all.

Apply Now!

Deadline to Apply:

Friday, 26 October, 2018 at 5:00PM PST

Selection Process

A committee of Docker community members will review and select the scholarship recipients. Recipients will be notified by the week of 7 November 2018.

What’s included:

Full Access DockerCon Conference Pass

Please note, travel expenses are not covered under the scholarship and are the responsibility of the scholarship recipient.


Must be able to attend DockerCon Europe 2018

Must be 18 years old or older to apply

Must be able to travel to Barcelona, Spain

We wanted to check back in with DockerCon Europe 2017 scholarship recipient, Roshan Gautam, and hear how attending DockerCon Europe has impacted his life. In Roshan’s words:

DockerCon Experience

Ever since I learned about Docker from a senior friend of mine back in early 2017, I got super excited about this technology and I started learning Docker. I enjoyed using Docker so much that I applied for a campus ambassador program and started a community on my campus.** One day, a of the member of campus community mentioned the scholarship program for DockerCon EU 2017. I applied for the scholarship and cheers to my luck, I got it.

At DockerCon, I had a really wonderful time listening to the speakers, meeting with new people with similar mindset and of course having nice healthy food. “Guidance, Mentoring, Caring” – These are the words I want to use for the amazing organizers of the conference. Along with attending the high quality sessions in the conference, I got the chance to meet other fellow campus ambassadors from different places. I can’t stop mentioning, how amazing the After Party was. It was my first time in Denmark (actually Europe) and I really had an experience of a lifetime.

After returning from DockerCon EU, I started sharing my experience with my school community as well as the local Docker community in Kathmandu. I took courses online and I joined a company in Nepal and started working as a Devops (also Developer) in the company. There, we organized 2 week long workshops and seminars. Recently, I started my own company in Kathmandu where we use Docker for every single projects both in development and production. I have been advocating about Docker and the communities behind it in different events and workshops in Nepal. I believe that, DockerCon EU 2017 was a life changing moment of my life and I have no complains.

**Please note: the Docker Campus Ambassador program is no longer active.

Learn more about the DockerCon Diversity Scholarship here.

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