Packages: All | Ctx | Dom | IO | OracleXml | Parser | Tools | XPath | XPointer | Xsl Functions | Datatypes

Oracle XML C++ Member Function Index

Ctx ErrorHandler createException Create an exception for the last exceptional situation
Ctx ErrorHandler getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
Ctx ErrorHandler handleError Handle current error
Ctx ErrorHandler ~ErrorHandler Virtual destructor - interface level handle to actual destructors
Ctx MemAllocator alloc Allocates memory of given size
Ctx MemAllocator dealloc deallocate memory pointed to by the argument
Ctx MemAllocator ~MemAllocator Virtual destructor - interface level handle to actual destructors
Ctx TCtx TCtx Default constructor
Ctx TCtx TCtx Same as above but takes parameters provided by the user
Ctx TCtx TCtx Same as above.
Ctx TCtx getEncoding Get data encoding in use by XML context
Ctx TCtx getErrHandler Get Error Handler provided by the user
Ctx TCtx getMemAllocator Get memory allocator
Ctx TCtx isSimple Get a flag saying if data encoding is simple
Ctx TCtx isUnicode Get a flag saying if data encoding is Unicode
Ctx TCtx ~TCtx Destructor - clears space and destroys the implementation
Dom AttrRef AttrRef Constructor
Dom AttrRef AttrRef Copy constructor
Dom AttrRef getName Return attribute's name
Dom AttrRef getOwnerElement Return attribute's owning element
Dom AttrRef getSpecified Return boolean indicating if an attribute was explicitly created
Dom AttrRef getValue Return attribute's value
Dom AttrRef setValue Set attribute's value
Dom CDATASectionRef CDATASectionRef Constructor
Dom CDATASectionRef CDATASectionRef Copy constructor
Dom CharacterDataRef appendData Append data to end of node's current data
Dom CharacterDataRef deleteData Remove part of node's data
Dom CharacterDataRef freeString Deallocate the string allocated by substringData()
Dom CharacterDataRef getData Return node's data
Dom CharacterDataRef getLength Return length of node's data
Dom CharacterDataRef insertData Insert string into node's current data
Dom CharacterDataRef replaceData Replace part of node's data
Dom CharacterDataRef setData Set node's data
Dom CharacterDataRef substringData Get substring of node's data
Dom CommentRef CommentRef Constructor
Dom CommentRef CommentRef Copy constructor
Dom DOMException getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
Dom DOMException getDOMCode Get DOM exception code embedded in the exception
Dom DOMException getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
Dom DOMException getMessage Get Oracle XML error message
Dom DOMImplRef DOMImplRef Constructor
Dom DOMImplRef DOMImplRef Copy constructor
Dom DOMImplRef DOMImplRef Copy constructor
Dom DOMImplRef createDocument Create document reference
Dom DOMImplRef createDocumentType Create DTD reference
Dom DOMImplRef getImplementation Get DOMImplementation object associated with the document
Dom DOMImplRef getNoMod Get the 'no modification allowed' flag value
Dom DOMImplRef hasFeature Determine if DOM feature is implemented
Dom DOMImplRef setContext Set another context to a node
Dom DOMImplRef ~DOMImplRef Public default destructor
Dom DOMImplementation DOMImplementation Constructor
Dom DOMImplementation getNoMod Get the 'no modification allowed' flag value
Dom DOMImplementation ~DOMImplementation Public default destructor
Dom DocumentFragmentRef DocumentFragmentRef Constructor
Dom DocumentFragmentRef DocumentFragmentRef Copy constructor
Dom DocumentRange DocumentRange Constructor
Dom DocumentRange createRange Create new range object
Dom DocumentRange destroyRange Destroy range object
Dom DocumentRange ~DocumentRange Default destructor
Dom DocumentRef DocumentRef Constructor
Dom DocumentRef DocumentRef Copy constructor
Dom DocumentRef createAttribute Create an attribute node
Dom DocumentRef createAttributeNS Create an attribute node with namespace information
Dom DocumentRef createCDATASection Create a CDATA node
Dom DocumentRef createComment Create a comment node
Dom DocumentRef createDocumentFragment Create a document fragment
Dom DocumentRef createElement Create an element node
Dom DocumentRef createElementNS Create an element node with namespace information
Dom DocumentRef createEntityReference Create an entity reference node
Dom DocumentRef createProcessingInstruction Create a processing instruction node
Dom DocumentRef createTextNode Create a text node
Dom DocumentRef getDoctype Get DTD (Document Type) associated with the document
Dom DocumentRef getDocumentElement Get top-level element of this document
Dom DocumentRef getElementById Get an element given its ID
Dom DocumentRef getElementsByTagName Get elements in the document by tag name
Dom DocumentRef getElementsByTagNameNS Get elements in the document by tag name (namespace aware version)
Dom DocumentRef getImplementation Get DOMImplementation object associated with the document
Dom DocumentRef importNode Import a node from another DOM
Dom DocumentTraversal DocumentTraversal Constructor
Dom DocumentTraversal createNodeIterator Create new iterator object
Dom DocumentTraversal createTreeWalker Create new tree walker object
Dom DocumentTraversal destroyNodeIterator Destroy node iterator object
Dom DocumentTraversal destroyTreeWalker Destroy tree walker object
Dom DocumentTraversal ~DocumentTraversal Default destructor
Dom DocumentTypeRef DocumentTypeRef Constructor
Dom DocumentTypeRef DocumentTypeRef Copy constructor
Dom DocumentTypeRef getEntities Get DTD's entities
Dom DocumentTypeRef getInternalSubset Get DTD's internal subset
Dom DocumentTypeRef getName Get name of DTD
Dom DocumentTypeRef getNotations Get DTD's notations
Dom DocumentTypeRef getPublicId Get DTD's public ID
Dom DocumentTypeRef getSystemId Get DTD's system ID
Dom ElementRef ElementRef Constructor
Dom ElementRef ElementRef Copy constructor
Dom ElementRef getAttribute Get attribute's value given its name
Dom ElementRef getAttributeNS Get attribute's value given its URI and localname
Dom ElementRef getAttributeNode Get the attribute node given its name
Dom ElementRef getElementsByTagName Get elements with given tag name
Dom ElementRef getTagName Get element's tag name
Dom ElementRef hasAttribute Check if named attribute exist
Dom ElementRef hasAttributeNS Check if named attribute exist (namespace aware version)
Dom ElementRef removeAttribute Remove attribute with specified name
Dom ElementRef removeAttributeNS Remove attribute with specified URI and local name
Dom ElementRef removeAttributeNode Remove attribute node
Dom ElementRef setAttribute Set new attribute for this element and /or new value
Dom ElementRef setAttributeNS Set new attribute for the element and /or new value
Dom ElementRef setAttributeNode Set attribute node
Dom EntityRef EntityRef Constructor
Dom EntityRef EntityRef Copy constructor
Dom EntityRef getNotationName Get entity's notation
Dom EntityRef getPublicId Get entity's public ID
Dom EntityRef getSystemId Get entity's system ID
Dom EntityRef getType Get entity's type
Dom EntityReferenceRef EntityReferenceRef Constructor
Dom EntityReferenceRef EntityReferenceRef Copy constructor
Dom NamedNodeMapRef NamedNodeMapRef Constructor
Dom NamedNodeMapRef NamedNodeMapRef Copy constructor
Dom NamedNodeMapRef getLength Get map's length
Dom NamedNodeMapRef getNamedItem Get item given its name
Dom NamedNodeMapRef getNamedItemNS Get item given its namespace URI and local name
Dom NamedNodeMapRef item Get item given its index
Dom NamedNodeMapRef removeNamedItem Remove an item given its name
Dom NamedNodeMapRef removeNamedItemNS Remove the item from the map
Dom NamedNodeMapRef setNamedItem Add new item to the map
Dom NamedNodeMapRef setNamedItemNS Set named item to the map
Dom NodeFilter acceptNode Execute it for a given node and use its return value
Dom NodeIterator adjustCtx Attach this iterator to the another context
Dom NodeIterator detach invalidate the iterator
Dom NodeIterator nextNode Go to the next node
Dom NodeIterator previousNode Go to the previous node
Dom NodeListRef NodeListRef Constructor
Dom NodeListRef NodeListRef Copy constructor
Dom NodeListRef getLength Get list's length
Dom NodeListRef item Get item given its index
Dom NodeRef NodeRef Constructor
Dom NodeRef NodeRef Copy constructor
Dom NodeRef appendChild Append new child to node's list of children
Dom NodeRef cloneNode Clone this node
Dom NodeRef getAttributes Get attributes of this node
Dom NodeRef getChildNodes Get children of this node
Dom NodeRef getFirstChild Get the first child node of this node
Dom NodeRef getLastChild Get the last child node of this node
Dom NodeRef getLocalName Get local name of this node
Dom NodeRef getNamespaceURI Get namespace URI of this node as a NULL-terminated string
Dom NodeRef getNextSibling Get the next sibling node of this node
Dom NodeRef getNoMod Tests if no modifications are allowed for this node
Dom NodeRef getNodeName Get node's name as NULL-terminated string
Dom NodeRef getNodeType get DOMNodeType of the node
Dom NodeRef getNodeValue Get node's value as NULL-terminated string
Dom NodeRef getOwnerDocument Get the owner document of this node
Dom NodeRef getParentNode Get parent node of this node
Dom NodeRef getPrefix Get namespace prefix of this node
Dom NodeRef getPreviousSibling Get the previous sibling node of this node
Dom NodeRef hasAttributes Tests if this node has attributes
Dom NodeRef hasChildNodes Test if this node has children
Dom NodeRef insertBefore Insert new child into node's list of children
Dom NodeRef isSupported Tests if specified feature is supported by the implementation
Dom NodeRef markToDelete Sets the mark to delete the referenced node
Dom NodeRef normalize Merge adjacent text nodes
Dom NodeRef removeChild Remove an existing child node
Dom NodeRef replaceChild Replace an existing child of a node
Dom NodeRef resetNode Reset NodeRef to reference another node
Dom NodeRef setNodeValue Set node's value as NULL-terminated string
Dom NodeRef setPrefix Set namespace prefix of this node
Dom NodeRef ~NodeRef Public default destructor
Dom NotationRef NotationRef Constructor
Dom NotationRef NotationRef Copy constructor
Dom NotationRef getPublicId Get publicId
Dom NotationRef getSystemId Get systemId
Dom ProcessingInstructionRef ProcessingInstructionRef Constructor
Dom ProcessingInstructionRef ProcessingInstructionRef Copy constructor
Dom ProcessingInstructionRef getData Get processing instruction's data
Dom ProcessingInstructionRef getTarget Get processing instruction's target
Dom ProcessingInstructionRef setData Set processing instruction's data
Dom Range CompareBoundaryPoints
Dom Range cloneContent
Dom Range cloneRange
Dom Range deleteContents
Dom Range detach invalidate the range
Dom Range extractContent
Dom Range getCollapsed Check if the range is collapsed
Dom Range getCommonAncestorContainer Get the deepest common ancestor node
Dom Range getEndContainer Get end container node
Dom Range getEndOffset Get offset of the end point
Dom Range getStartContainer Get start container node
Dom Range getStartOffset Get offset of the start point
Dom Range insertNode
Dom Range select
Dom Range selectNode
Dom Range setEnd Set end point
Dom Range setEndAfter
Dom Range setEndBefore
Dom Range setStart Set start point
Dom Range setStartAfter
Dom Range setStartBefore
Dom Range surroundContent
Dom Range toString
Dom RangeException getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
Dom RangeException getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
Dom RangeException getMessage Get Oracle XML error message
Dom RangeException getRangeCode Get Range exception code embedded in the exception
Dom TextRef TextRef Constructor
Dom TextRef TextRef Copy constructor
Dom TextRef splitText Split text node into two
Dom TreeWalker adjustCtx Attach this tree walker to the another context
Dom TreeWalker firstChild Get the first child of the current node
Dom TreeWalker lastChild Get the last child of the current node
Dom TreeWalker nextNode Get the next node
Dom TreeWalker nextSibling Get the next sibling node
Dom TreeWalker parentNode Get the parent of the current node
Dom TreeWalker previousNode Get the previous node
Dom TreeWalker previousSibling Get the previous sibling node
IO InputSource getBaseURI Get the base URI
IO InputSource getISrcType Get the type of an input source
IO InputSource setBaseURI Set the base URI
OracleXml XmlException getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
OracleXml XmlException getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
OracleXml XmlException getMessage Get Oracle XML error message
Parser DOMParser getContext Returns parser's XML context (allocation and encodings)
Parser DOMParser getParserId
Parser DOMParser parse Parse the document
Parser DOMParser parseDTD Parse DTD document
Parser DOMParser parseSchVal Parse and validate the document
Parser DOMParser setValidator Set the validator for this parser
Parser GParser SetWarnDuplicateEntity Specifies if multiple entity declarations result in a warning
Parser GParser getBaseURI Returns the base URI for the document
Parser GParser getDiscardWhitespaces Checks if whitespaces between elements are discarded
Parser GParser getExpandCharRefs Checks if character references are expanded
Parser GParser getSchemaLocation Get schema location for this document
Parser GParser getStopOnWarning Get if document processing stops on warnings
Parser GParser getWarnDuplicateEntity Get if multiple entity declarations cause a warning
Parser GParser setBaseURI Sets the base URI for the document
Parser GParser setDiscardWhitespaces Sets if formatting whitespaces should be discarded
Parser GParser setExpandCharRefs Get if character references are expanded
Parser GParser setSchemaLocation Set schema location for this document
Parser GParser setStopOnWarning Sets if document processing stops on warnings
Parser ParserException getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
Parser ParserException getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
Parser ParserException getMessage Get Oracle XML error message
Parser ParserException getParserCode Get parser exception code embedded in the exception
Parser SAXHandler CDATA Receive notification of CDATA
Parser SAXHandler XMLDecl Receive notification of an XML declaration
Parser SAXHandler attributeDecl Receive notification of attribute's declaration
Parser SAXHandler characters Receive notification of character data
Parser SAXHandler comment Receive notification of a comment
Parser SAXHandler elementDecl Receive notification of element's declaration
Parser SAXHandler endDocument Receive notification of the end of the document
Parser SAXHandler endElement Receive notification of element's end
Parser SAXHandler notationDecl Receive notification of a notation declaration
Parser SAXHandler parsedEntityDecl Receive notification of a parsed entity declaration
Parser SAXHandler processingInstruction Receive notification of a processing instruction
Parser SAXHandler startDocument Receive notification of the start of the document
Parser SAXHandler startElement Receive notification of element's start
Parser SAXHandler startElementNS Receive namespace aware notification of element's start
Parser SAXHandler unparsedEntityDecl Receive notification of a unparsed entity declaration
Parser SAXHandler whitespace Receive notification of whitespace characters
Parser SAXParser getContext Returns parser's XML context (allocation and encodings)
Parser SAXParser getParserId
Parser SAXParser parse
Parser SAXParser parseDTD
Parser SAXParser setSAXHandler Set SAX handler
Parser SchemaValidator getSchemaList
Parser SchemaValidator getValidatorId Get validator identifier
Parser SchemaValidator loadSchema Load up a schema document
Parser SchemaValidator unloadSchema Unload a schema document
Parser SchemaValidator validate Validate an element node against loaded schema(s)
Parser SchemaValidator validate Validate an element node against loaded schema(s)
Tools Factory Factory Default constructor
Tools Factory Factory Constructor
Tools Factory createDOMParser Create DOMParser
Tools Factory createSAXParser Create SAXParser
Tools Factory createSchemaValidator Create schema validator
Tools Factory createXPathCompProcessor Create extended XPath processor
Tools Factory createXPathCompiler Create XPath compiler
Tools Factory createXPathProcessor Create XPath processor
Tools Factory createXPointerProcessor Create XPointer processor
Tools Factory createXslCompiler Create Xsl compiler
Tools Factory createXslExtendedTransformer Create XSL extended trnasformer
Tools Factory createXslTransformer Create XSL trnasformer
Tools Factory getContext Get factory's context
Tools Factory ~Factory Default destructor
Tools FactoryException getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
Tools FactoryException getFactoryCode Get Factory exception code embedded in the exception
Tools FactoryException getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
Tools FactoryException getMessage Get Oracle XML error message
XPath NodeSet getNode Get node given its index
XPath NodeSet getSize Get node set size
XPath XPathException getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
XPath XPathException getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
XPath XPathException getMessage Get Oracle XML error message
XPath XPathException getXPathCode Get XPath exception code embedded in the exception
XPath XPathObject XPathObject Copy constructor
XPath XPathObject getNodeSet
XPath XPathObject getObjBoolean
XPath XPathObject getObjNumber
XPath XPathObject getObjString
XPath XPathObject getObjType
XPath XPath_CompProcessor getProcessorId Get processor's Id
XPath XPath_CompProcessor process Evaluate XPath expression against given document
XPath XPath_CompProcessor processWithBinXPath Evaluate compiled XPath expression against given document
XPath XPath_Compiler compile Compile XPath and return its compiled binary representation.
XPath XPath_Compiler getCompilerId Get compiler's Id
XPath XPath_Processor getProcessorId Get processor's Id
XPath XPath_Processor process Evaluate XPath expression against given document
XPointer XPointer_Processor getProcessorId Get processor's Id
XPointer XPointer_Processor process Evaluate XPointer expression against given document
XPointer XppException getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
XPointer XppException getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
XPointer XppException getMessage Get Oracle XML error message
XPointer XppException getXppCode Get XPointer exception code embedded in the exception
XPointer XppLocSet getItem Get item given its index
XPointer XppLocSet getSize Get location set size
XPointer XppLocation getLocType
XPointer XppLocation getNode
XPointer XppLocation getRange
Xsl CompTransformer getTransformerId Get transformer's Id
Xsl CompTransformer setBinXsl Set compiled Xsl
Xsl CompTransformer setSAXHandler Set SAX handler
Xsl CompTransformer setXSL Set XSLT document for this transformer
Xsl CompTransformer transform Transform the document and return DOM
Xsl CompTransformer transform Transform the document and return SAX events
Xsl Transformer getTransformerId Get transformer's Id
Xsl Transformer setSAXHandler Set SAX handler
Xsl Transformer setXSL Set XSLT document for this transformer
Xsl Transformer transform Transform the document and return DOM
Xsl Transformer transform Transform the document and return SAX events
Xsl XslException getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
Xsl XslException getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
Xsl XslException getMessage Get Oracle XML error message
Xsl XslException getXslCode Get XSL exception code embedded in the exception
Xsl Xsl_Compiler compile Compile Xsl and return its compiled binary representation.
Xsl Xsl_Compiler getCompilerId Get compiler's Id
Xsl Xsl_Compiler getLength Get length of compiled XSL document