Packages: All | Ctx | Dom | IO | OracleXml | Parser | Tools | XPath | XPointer | Xsl Functions | Datatypes

Package OracleXml

OracleXml is the namespace for all XML C++ interaces. It includes class XmlException, root exception interface for all XML exceptions, and namespaces: _:: Ctx - namespace for TCtx related declarations _: Dom - namespace for DOM related declarations _: Parser - namespace for parser and schema validator declarations _: IO - namespace for input and output source declarations _: Xsl - namespace for XSLT related declarations _: XPath - namespace for XPath related declarations _: Tools - namespace for Tools::Factory related declarations _:_

OracleXml is fully defined in this file, xml.hpp. Another namespace, XmlCtxNS, visible to users is defined in xmlctx.hpp. That namespace contains C++ definitions of datastructures corresponding to C level definitions of the xmlctx context and related data structures. While there is no need for users to know details of that namespace, xmlctx.hpp needs to be included in most application main modules (see demos for details)

Interface XmlException (Interface one-line doc)

This is the root interface for all XML exceptions

Member Function Index

getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
getMessage Get Oracle XML error message


Name getCode
Interface XmlException
Purpose Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
Prototype virtual unsigned getCode() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (unsigned) numeric error code (0 on success)
Description This is a virtual member function that defines a prototype for implementation defined functions returning Oracle XML error codes (like error codes defined in xml.h) of the exceptional situations during execution


Name getMesLang
Interface XmlException
Purpose Get current language (encoding) of error messages
Prototype virtual oratext* getMesLang() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns Current language (encoding) of error messages
Description This is a virtual member function that defines a prototype for implementation defined functions returning current language (encoding) of error messages for the exceptional situations during execution


Name getMessage
Interface XmlException
Purpose Get Oracle XML error message
Prototype virtual oratext* getMessage() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (oratext *) Error message
Description This is a virtual member function that defines a prototype for implementation defined functions returning Oracle XML error messages of the exceptional situations during execution