Packages: All | Ctx | Dom | IO | OracleXml | Parser | Tools | XPath | XPointer | Xsl Functions | Datatypes

Package Tools

Tools is the namespace (sub-space of OracleXml) for types and interfaces related to the creation and instantiation of Oracle XML tools.

Member Function Index

Factory  Factory  Default constructor
Factory  Factory  Constructor
Factory  createDOMParser  Create DOMParser
Factory  createSAXParser  Create SAXParser
Factory  createSchemaValidator  Create schema validator
Factory  createXPathCompProcessor  Create extended XPath processor
Factory  createXPathCompiler  Create XPath compiler
Factory  createXPathProcessor  Create XPath processor
Factory  createXPointerProcessor  Create XPointer processor
Factory  createXslCompiler  Create Xsl compiler
Factory  createXslExtendedTransformer  Create XSL extended trnasformer
Factory  createXslTransformer  Create XSL trnasformer
Factory  getContext  Get factory's context
Factory  ~Factory  Default destructor
FactoryException  getCode  Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
FactoryException  getFactoryCode  Get Factory exception code embedded in the exception
FactoryException  getMesLang  Get current language (encoding) of error messages
FactoryException  getMessage  Get Oracle XML error message

Interface Factory (XML tools factory)

Member Function Index

Factory Default constructor
Factory Constructor
createDOMParser Create DOMParser
createSAXParser Create SAXParser
createSchemaValidator Create schema validator
createXPathCompProcessor Create extended XPath processor
createXPathCompiler Create XPath compiler
createXPathProcessor Create XPath processor
createXPointerProcessor Create XPointer processor
createXslCompiler Create Xsl compiler
createXslExtendedTransformer Create XSL extended trnasformer
createXslTransformer Create XSL trnasformer
getContext Get factory's context
~Factory Default destructor

Interface FactoryException (Exceptions for Tools namespace)

Member Function Index

getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
getFactoryCode Get Factory exception code embedded in the exception
getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
getMessage Get Oracle XML error message


Name Factory
Interface Factory
Purpose Default constructor
Prototype   Factory() throw (FactoryException);
Arguments void
Returns (Factory) object


Name Factory
Interface Factory
Purpose Constructor
Prototype   Factory( Context* ctx_ptr) throw (FactoryException);
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (Factory) object
Description Creates factory object given a Context object


Name createDOMParser
Interface Factory
Purpose Create DOMParser
Prototype   DOMParser< Context, Node>* createDOMParser (
      DOMParserIdType id_type, Context* ctx_ptr = NULL)
                                      throw (FactoryException);
id_type  (IN)  parser Id type
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (DOMParser*) pointer to the parser object
Description Creates DOM parser


Name createSAXParser
Interface Factory
Purpose Create SAXParser
Prototype   SAXParser< Context>* createSAXParser ( SAXParserIdType id_type,
   Context* ctx_ptr = NULL)
                                      throw (FactoryException);
id_type  (IN)  parser Id type
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (SAXParser*) pointer to the parser object
Description Creates SAX parser


Name createSchemaValidator
Interface Factory
Purpose Create schema validator
Prototype   SchemaValidator< Node>* createSchemaValidator (
  SchValidatorIdType id_type, Context* ctx_ptr = NULL)
                                     throw (FactoryException);
id_type  (IN)  validator Id type
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (SchemaValidator*) pointer to the validator object
Description Creates schema validator


Name createXPathCompProcessor
Interface Factory
Purpose Create extended XPath processor
Prototype   CompProcessor< Context, Node>* createXPathCompProcessor (
             XPathPrIdType id_type, Context* ctx_ptr = NULL)
                                      throw (FactoryException);
id_type  (IN)  processor Id type
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (CompProcessor*) pointer to the processor object
Description Creates extended XPath processor; takes XvmPrCXml value only


Name createXPathCompiler
Interface Factory
Purpose Create XPath compiler
Prototype   XPath::Compiler< Context, Node>* createXPathCompiler (
           XPathCompIdType id_type, Context* ctx_ptr = NULL)
                                      throw (FactoryException);
id_type  (IN)  compiler Id type
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (XPathCompiler*) pointer to the compiler object
Description Creates XPath compiler


Name createXPathProcessor
Interface Factory
Purpose Create XPath processor
Prototype   XPath::Processor< Context, Node>* createXPathProcessor (
      XPathPrIdType id_type, Context* ctx_ptr = NULL)
                                      throw (FactoryException);
id_type  (IN)  processor Id type
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (Processor*) pointer to the processor object
Description Creates XPath processor


Name createXPointerProcessor
Interface Factory
Purpose Create XPointer processor
Prototype   XPointer::Processor< Context, Node>* createXPointerProcessor (
      XppPrIdType id_type, Context* ctx_ptr = NULL)
                                      throw (FactoryException);
id_type  (IN)  processor Id type
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (Processor*) pointer to the processor object
Description Creates XPointer processor


Name createXslCompiler
Interface Factory
Purpose Create Xsl compiler
Prototype   Xsl::Compiler< Context, Node>* createXslCompiler (
XslCompIdType id_type, Context* ctx_ptr = NULL)
                                      throw (FactoryException);
id_type  (IN)  compiler Id type
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (Compiler*) pointer to the compiler object
Description Creates Xsl compiler


Name createXslExtendedTransformer
Interface Factory
Purpose Create XSL extended trnasformer
Prototype   CompTransformer< Context, Node>* createXslExtendedTransformer (
     XslTrIdType id_type, Context* ctx_ptr = NULL)
                                     throw (FactoryException);
id_type  (IN)  transformer Id type
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (CompTrasformer*) pointer to the transformer object
Description Creates XSL extended trnasformer; takes XvmTrCXml value only


Name createXslTransformer
Interface Factory
Purpose Create XSL trnasformer
Prototype   Transformer< Context, Node>* createXslTransformer (
      XslTrIdType id_type, Context* ctx_ptr = NULL)
                                      throw (FactoryException);
id_type  (IN)  transformer Id type
ctx_ptr  (IN)  pointer to a Context object
Returns (Trasformer*) pointer to the transformer object
Description Creates XSL trnasformer


Name getContext
Interface Factory
Purpose Get factory's context
Prototype   Context* getContext() const;
Arguments void
Returns (Context*) pointer to the contextobject
Description Returns factory's context


Name ~Factory
Interface Factory
Purpose Default destructor
Prototype   ~Factory();
Arguments void
Returns (void)


Name getCode
Interface FactoryException
Purpose Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
Prototype   // virtual unsigned getCode() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (unsigned) numeric error code (0 on success)
Description Virtual member function inherited from XMLException


Name getFactoryCode
Interface FactoryException
Purpose Get Factory exception code embedded in the exception
Prototype   virtual FactoryExceptionCode getFactoryCode() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (FactoryExceptionCode) exception code
Description This is a virtual member function that defines a prototype for implementation defined member functions returning exception codes specific to the Tools namespace, defined in FactoryExceptionCode, of the exceptional situations during execution


Name getMesLang
Interface FactoryException
Purpose Get current language (encoding) of error messages
Prototype   // virtual oratext* getMesLang() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (oratext*) Current language (encoding) of error messages
Description Virtual member function inherited from XMLException


Name getMessage
Interface FactoryException
Purpose Get Oracle XML error message
Prototype   // virtual oratext* getMessage() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (oratext *) Error message
Description Virtual member function inherited from XMLException