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Package Parser

Parser interfaces include: Parser exceptions, Validator, Parser, DOMParser, SAXParser interfaces

Member Function Index

DOMParser  getContext  Returns parser's XML context (allocation and encodings)
DOMParser  getParserId 
DOMParser  parse  Parse the document
DOMParser  parseDTD  Parse DTD document
DOMParser  parseSchVal  Parse and validate the document
DOMParser  setValidator  Set the validator for this parser
GParser  SetWarnDuplicateEntity  Specifies if multiple entity declarations result in a warning
GParser  getBaseURI  Returns the base URI for the document
GParser  getDiscardWhitespaces  Checks if whitespaces between elements are discarded
GParser  getExpandCharRefs  Checks if character references are expanded
GParser  getSchemaLocation  Get schema location for this document
GParser  getStopOnWarning  Get if document processing stops on warnings
GParser  getWarnDuplicateEntity  Get if multiple entity declarations cause a warning
GParser  setBaseURI  Sets the base URI for the document
GParser  setDiscardWhitespaces  Sets if formatting whitespaces should be discarded
GParser  setExpandCharRefs  Get if character references are expanded
GParser  setSchemaLocation  Set schema location for this document
GParser  setStopOnWarning  Sets if document processing stops on warnings
ParserException  getCode  Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
ParserException  getMesLang  Get current language (encoding) of error messages
ParserException  getMessage  Get Oracle XML error message
ParserException  getParserCode  Get parser exception code embedded in the exception
SAXHandler  CDATA  Receive notification of CDATA
SAXHandler  XMLDecl  Receive notification of an XML declaration
SAXHandler  attributeDecl  Receive notification of attribute's declaration
SAXHandler  characters  Receive notification of character data
SAXHandler  comment  Receive notification of a comment
SAXHandler  elementDecl  Receive notification of element's declaration
SAXHandler  endDocument  Receive notification of the end of the document
SAXHandler  endElement  Receive notification of element's end
SAXHandler  notationDecl  Receive notification of a notation declaration
SAXHandler  parsedEntityDecl  Receive notification of a parsed entity declaration
SAXHandler  processingInstruction  Receive notification of a processing instruction
SAXHandler  startDocument  Receive notification of the start of the document
SAXHandler  startElement  Receive notification of element's start
SAXHandler  startElementNS  Receive namespace aware notification of element's start
SAXHandler  unparsedEntityDecl  Receive notification of a unparsed entity declaration
SAXHandler  whitespace  Receive notification of whitespace characters
SAXParser  getContext  Returns parser's XML context (allocation and encodings)
SAXParser  getParserId 
SAXParser  parse 
SAXParser  parseDTD 
SAXParser  setSAXHandler  Set SAX handler
SchemaValidator  getSchemaList 
SchemaValidator  getValidatorId  Get validator identifier
SchemaValidator  loadSchema  Load up a schema document
SchemaValidator  unloadSchema  Unload a schema document
SchemaValidator  validate  Validate an element node against loaded schema(s)
SchemaValidator  validate  Validate an element node against loaded schema(s)

Interface DOMParser (DOM parser root class)

Member Function Index

getContext Returns parser's XML context (allocation and encodings)
parse Parse the document
parseDTD Parse DTD document
parseSchVal Parse and validate the document
setValidator Set the validator for this parser

Interface GParser (Root class for XML parsers)

This is the root class for all Oracle XML parsers. It handles all options that can be set to any Oracle parser.

Member Function Index

SetWarnDuplicateEntity Specifies if multiple entity declarations result in a warning
getBaseURI Returns the base URI for the document
getDiscardWhitespaces Checks if whitespaces between elements are discarded
getExpandCharRefs Checks if character references are expanded
getSchemaLocation Get schema location for this document
getStopOnWarning Get if document processing stops on warnings
getWarnDuplicateEntity Get if multiple entity declarations cause a warning
setBaseURI Sets the base URI for the document
setDiscardWhitespaces Sets if formatting whitespaces should be discarded
setExpandCharRefs Get if character references are expanded
setSchemaLocation Set schema location for this document
setStopOnWarning Sets if document processing stops on warnings

Interface ParserException (Exception class for parser and validator)

Member Function Index

getCode Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
getMesLang Get current language (encoding) of error messages
getMessage Get Oracle XML error message
getParserCode Get parser exception code embedded in the exception

Interface SAXHandler (root class for current SAX handler implementations)

Member Function Index

CDATA Receive notification of CDATA
XMLDecl Receive notification of an XML declaration
attributeDecl Receive notification of attribute's declaration
characters Receive notification of character data
comment Receive notification of a comment
elementDecl Receive notification of element's declaration
endDocument Receive notification of the end of the document
endElement Receive notification of element's end
notationDecl Receive notification of a notation declaration
parsedEntityDecl Receive notification of a parsed entity declaration
processingInstruction Receive notification of a processing instruction
startDocument Receive notification of the start of the document
startElement Receive notification of element's start
startElementNS Receive namespace aware notification of element's start
unparsedEntityDecl Receive notification of a unparsed entity declaration
whitespace Receive notification of whitespace characters

Interface SAXHandlerRoot (root class for all SAX handlers)

This class provides the base for future non-virtual derivations

Member Function Index


Interface SAXParser (root class for all SAX parsers)

Member Function Index

getContext Returns parser's XML context (allocation and encodings)
setSAXHandler Set SAX handler

Interface SchemaValidator (XML schema aware validator)

This interface assumes that validator implementations follow the W3C XML Schema specification (rev REC-xmlschema-1-20010502) and exibit the required behavior of an schema validator in terms of how multiple schema documents can be assembled into a schema and be used to validate a specific instance document.

Member Function Index

getValidatorId Get validator identifier
loadSchema Load up a schema document
unloadSchema Unload a schema document
validate Validate an element node against loaded schema(s)
validate Validate an element node against loaded schema(s)


Name getContext
Interface DOMParser
Purpose Returns parser's XML context (allocation and encodings)
Prototype   virtual Context* getContext() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (Context*) pointer to parser's context
Description Each parser object is allocated and executed in a particular Oracle XML context. This member function returns a pointer to this context.


Name getParserId
Interface DOMParser
Prototype   virtual DOMParserIdType getParserId() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (DOMParserIdType) Parser Id


Name parse
Interface DOMParser
Purpose Parse the document
Prototype   virtual DocumentRef< Node>* parse( InputSource* isrc_ptr,
 boolean DTDvalidate = FALSE,
     DocumentTypeRef< Node>* dtd_ptr = NULL,
 boolean no_mod = FALSE,
                         DOMImplementation< Node>* impl_ptr = NULL)
throw (ParserException) = 0;
isrc_ptr  (IN) 
DTDvalidate  (IN) 
dtd_ptr  (IN) 
no_mod  (IN) 
new_domimpl  (IN) 
Returns (DocumentRef) document tree
Description Parses the document and returns the tree root node


Name parseDTD
Interface DOMParser
Purpose Parse DTD document
Prototype   virtual DocumentRef< Node>* parseDTD( InputSource* src_ptr,
    boolean no_mod = FALSE,
                       DOMImplementation< Node>* impl_ptr = NULL)
throw (ParserException) = 0;
src_ptr  (IN) 
no_mod  (IN) 
new_domimpl  (IN) 
Returns (DocumentRef) DTD document tree


Name parseSchVal
Interface DOMParser
Purpose Parse and validate the document
Prototype   virtual DocumentRef< Node>* parseSchVal( InputSource* src_par,
       boolean no_mod = FALSE,
    DOMImplementation< Node>* impl_ptr = NULL,
               SchemaValidator< Node>* tor_ptr = NULL)
    throw (ParserException) = 0;
src_ptr  (IN) 
no_mod  (IN) 
new_domimpl  (IN) 
tor_ptr  (IN) 
Returns (DocumentRef) document tree
Description Parses and validates the document. Sets the validator if the corresponding parameter is not NULL.


Name setValidator
Interface DOMParser
Purpose Set the validator for this parser
Prototype   virtual void setValidator(
                     SchemaValidator< Node>* tor_ptr) = 0;
tor_ptr  (IN) 
Returns (void)
Description Sets thevalidator for all validations except when another one is given in parseSchVal


Name SetWarnDuplicateEntity
Interface GParser
Purpose Specifies if multiple entity declarations result in a warning
Prototype   void setWarnDuplicateEntity( boolean par_bool);
par_bool  (IN)  TRUE if multiple entity declarations cause a warning
Returns (void)
Description Specifies if entities that are declared more than once will cause warnings to be issued


Name getBaseURI
Interface GParser
Purpose Returns the base URI for the document
Prototype   oratext* getBaseURI() const;
Arguments void
Returns (oratext *) current document's base URI [or NULL]
Description Returns the base URI for the document. Usually only documents loaded from a URI will automatically have a base URI. Documents loaded from other sources (stdin, buffer, etc) will not naturally have a base URI, but a base URI may have been set for them using setBaseURI, for the purposes of resolving relative URIs in inclusion.


Name getDiscardWhitespaces
Interface GParser
Purpose Checks if whitespaces between elements are discarded
Prototype   boolean getDiscardWhitespaces() const;
Arguments void
Returns (boolean) TRUE if whitespace between elements are discarded
Description Checks if formatting whitespaces between elements, such as newlines and indentation in input documents are discarded. By default, all input characters are preserved.


Name getExpandCharRefs
Interface GParser
Purpose Checks if character references are expanded
Prototype   boolean getExpandCharRefs() const;
Arguments void
Returns (boolean) TRUE if character references are expanded
Description Checkss if character references are expanded in the DOM data. By default, character references are replaced by the character they represent. However, when a document is saved those characters entities do not reappear. To ensure they remain through load and save, they should not be expanded.


Name getSchemaLocation
Interface GParser
Purpose Get schema location for this document
Prototype   oratext* getSchemaLocation() const;
Arguments void
Returns (oratext*) schema location
Description Gets schema location for this document. It is used to figure out the optimal layout when loading documents into a database


Name getStopOnWarning
Interface GParser
Purpose Get if document processing stops on warnings
Prototype   boolean getStopOnWarning() const;
Arguments void
Returns (boolean) TRUE if document processing stops on warnings
Description When TRUE is returned, warnings are treated the same as errors and cause parsing, validation, etc, to stop immediately. By default, warnings are issued but the processing continues.


Name getWarnDuplicateEntity
Interface GParser
Purpose Get if multiple entity declarations cause a warning
Prototype   boolean getWarnDuplicateEntity() const;
Arguments void
Returns (boolean) TRUE if multiple entity declarations cause a warning
Description Get if entities which are declared more than once will cause warnings to be issued


Name setBaseURI
Interface GParser
Purpose Sets the base URI for the document
Prototype   void setBaseURI( oratext* par);
par  (IN)  base URI
Returns (void)
Description Sets the base URI for the document. Usually only documents that were loaded from a URI will automatically have a base URI. Documents loaded from other sources (stdin, buffer, etc) will not naturally have a base URI, but a base URI may have been set for them using setBaseURI, for the purposes of resolving relative URIs in inclusion.


Name setDiscardWhitespaces
Interface GParser
Purpose Sets if formatting whitespaces should be discarded
Prototype   void setDiscardWhitespaces( boolean par_bool);
par_bool  (IN)  TRUE if whitespaces should be discarded
Returns (void)
Description Sets if formatting whitespaces between elements (newlines and indentation) in input documents are discarded. By default, ALL input characters are preserved.


Name setExpandCharRefs
Interface GParser
Purpose Get if character references are expanded
Prototype   void setExpandCharRefs( boolean par_bool);
par_bool  (IN)  TRUE if character references should be expanded
Returns (void)
Description Sets if character references should be expanded in the DOM data. Ordinarily, character references are replaced by the character they represent. However, when a document is saved those characters entities do not reappear. To ensure they remain through load and save is to not expand them.


Name setSchemaLocation
Interface GParser
Purpose Set schema location for this document
Prototype   void setSchemaLocation( oratext* par);
par  (IN)  schema location
Returns (void)
Description Sets schema location for this document. It is used to figure out the optimal layout when loading documents into a database


Name setStopOnWarning
Interface GParser
Purpose Sets if document processing stops on warnings
Prototype   void setStopOnWarning( boolean par_bool);
par_bool  (IN)  TRUE if document processing should stop on warnings
Returns (void)
Description When TRUE is set, warnings are treated the same as errors and cause parsing, validation, etc, to stop immediately. By default, warnings are issued but the processing continues.


Name getCode
Interface ParserException
Purpose Get Oracle XML error code embedded in the exception
Prototype   // virtual unsigned getCode() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (unsigned) numeric error code (0 on success)
Description Virtual member function inherited from XMLException


Name getMesLang
Interface ParserException
Purpose Get current language (encoding) of error messages
Prototype   // virtual oratext* getMesLang() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (oratext*) Current language (encoding) of error messages
Description Virtual member function inherited from XMLException


Name getMessage
Interface ParserException
Purpose Get Oracle XML error message
Prototype   // virtual oratext* getMessage() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (oratext *) Error message
Description Virtual member function inherited from XMLException


Name getParserCode
Interface ParserException
Purpose Get parser exception code embedded in the exception
Prototype   virtual ParserExceptionCode getParserCode() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (ParserExceptionCode) exception code
Description This is a virtual member function that defines a prototype for implementation defined member functions returning parser and validator exception codes, defined in ParserExceptionCode, of the exceptional situations during execution


Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of CDATA
Prototype   virtual void CDATA( oratext* data, ub4 size) = 0;
data  (IN)  pointer to CDATA
size  (IN)  size of CDATA
Returns (void)
Description This event handles CDATA, as distinct from Text. The data will be in the data encoding, and the returned length is in characters, not bytes. This is an Oracle extension.


Name XMLDecl
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of an XML declaration
Prototype   virtual void XMLDecl( oratext* version,
    boolean is_encoding, sword standalone) = 0;
version  (IN)  version string from XMLDecl
is_encoding  (IN)  encoding was specified?
standalone  (IN)  value of standalone-document flag
Returns (void)
Description This event marks an XML declaration (XMLDecl). The startDocument event is always first; this event will be the second event. The encoding flag says whether an encoding was specified. For the standalone flag, -1 will be returned if it was not specified, otherwise 0 for FALSE, 1 for TRUE. This member function is an Oracle extension.


Name attributeDecl
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of attribute's declaration
Prototype   virtual void attributeDecl( oratext* attr_name,
oratext *name, oratext *content) = 0;
elem_name  (IN)  element that attribute is declared for
attr_name  (IN)  attribute's name
content  (IN)  body of attribute declaration
Returns (void)
Description This event marks an attribute declaration in the DTD. It is an Oracle extension; not in SAX standard


Name characters
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of character data
Prototype   virtual void characters( oratext* ch, ub4 size) = 0;
ch  (IN)  pointer to data
size  (IN)  length of data
Returns (void)
Description This event marks character data


Name comment
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of a comment
Prototype   virtual void comment( oratext* data) = 0;
data  (IN)  comment's data
Returns (void)
Description This event marks a comment in the XML document. The comment's data will be in the data encoding. It is an Oracle extension, not in SAX standard.


Name elementDecl
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of element's declaration
Prototype   virtual void elementDecl( oratext *name, oratext *content) = 0;
name  (IN)  element's name
content  (IN)  element's content model
Returns (void)
Description This event marks an element declaration in the DTD. It is an Oracle extension; not in SAX standard


Name endDocument
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of the end of the document
Prototype   virtual void endDocument() = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (void)


Name endElement
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of element's end
Prototype   virtual void endElement( oratext* name) = 0;
name  (IN)  name of element
Returns (void)
Description This event marks the end of an element. The name is the tagName of the element (which may be a QName for namespace-aware elements) and is in the data encoding.


Name notationDecl
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of a notation declaration
Prototype   virtual void notationDecl( oratext* name,
    oratext* public_id, oratext* system_id) = 0;
name  (IN)  notation's name
public_iD  (IN)  notation's public ID
system_iD  (IN)  notation's system ID
Returns (void)
Description The even marks the declaration of a notation in the DTD. The notation's name, public ID, and system ID will all be in the data encoding. Both IDs are optional and may be NULL.


Name parsedEntityDecl
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of a parsed entity declaration
Prototype   virtual void parsedEntityDecl( oratext* name, oratext* value,
      oratext* public_id, oratext* system_id, boolean general) = 0;
name  (IN)  entity's name
value  (IN)  entity's value if internal
public_id  (IN)  entity's public ID
system_id  (IN)  entity's system ID
is_general  (IN)  is general entity? FALSE if parameter entity
Returns (void)
Description Marks a parsed entity declaration in the DTD. The parsed entity's name, public ID, system ID, and notation name will all be in the data encoding. This is an Oracle extension.


Name processingInstruction
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of a processing instruction
Prototype   virtual void processingInstruction( oratext* target,
oratext* data) = 0;
target  (IN)  PI's target
data  (IN)  PI's data
Returns (void)
Description This event marks a processing instruction. The PI's target and data will be in the data encoding. There is always a target, but the data may be NULL.


Name startDocument
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of the start of the document
Prototype   virtual void startDocument() = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (void)


Name startElement
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of element's start
Prototype   virtual void startElement( oratext* name,
 NodeListRef< Node>* attrs_ptr) = 0;
name  (IN)  name of element
attrs_ref  (IN)  list of element's attributes
Returns (void)
Description This event marks the start of an element.


Name startElementNS
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive namespace aware notification of element's start
Prototype   virtual void startElementNS( oratext* qname, oratext* local,
   oratext* ns_URI,
   NodeListRef< Node>* attrs_ptr) = 0;
qname  (IN)  element's qualified name
local  (IN)  element's namespace local name
ns_URI  (IN)  element's namespace URI
attrs_ref  (IN)  NodeList of element's attributes
Returns (void)
Description This event marks the start of an element. Note this is the new SAX 2 namespace-aware version. The element's QName, local name, and namespace URI will be in the data encoding, as are all the attribute parts.


Name unparsedEntityDecl
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of a unparsed entity declaration
Prototype   virtual void unparsedEntityDecl( oratext* name,
       oratext* public_id, oratext* system_id,
       oratext* notation_name) = 0;
name  (IN)  entity's name
public_id  (IN)  entity's public ID
system_id  (IN)  entity's system ID
notation_name  (IN)  entity's notation name
Description Marks an unparsed entity declaration in the DTD. The unparsed entity's name, public ID, system ID, and notation name will all be in the data encoding.


Name whitespace
Interface SAXHandler
Purpose Receive notification of whitespace characters
Prototype   virtual void whitespace( oratext* data, ub4 size) = 0;
data  (IN)  pointer to data
size  (IN)  length of data
Returns (void)
Description This event marks ignorable whitespace data such as newlines, and indentation between lines.


Name getContext
Interface SAXParser
Purpose Returns parser's XML context (allocation and encodings)
Prototype   virtual Context* getContext() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (Context*) pointer to parser's context
Description Each parser object is allocated and executed in a particular Oracle XML context. This member function returns a pointer to this context.


Name getParserId
Interface SAXParser
Prototype   virtual SAXParserIdType getParserId() const = 0;
Arguments void
Returns (SAXParserIdType) Parser Id


Name parse
Interface SAXParser
Prototype   virtual void parse( InputSource* src_ptr,
  boolean DTDvalidate = FALSE,
  SAXHandlerRoot* hdlr_ptr = NULL)
throw (ParserException) = 0;
src_ptr  (IN) 
DTDvalidate  (IN) 
hdlr_ptr  (IN) 
Returns (void)


Name parseDTD
Interface SAXParser
Prototype   virtual void parseDTD( InputSource* src_ptr,
   SAXHandlerRoot* hdlr_ptr = NULL)
throw (ParserException) = 0;
src_ptr  (IN) 
hdlr_ptr  (IN) 
Returns (void)


Name setSAXHandler
Interface SAXParser
Purpose Set SAX handler
Prototype   virtual void setSAXHandler( SAXHandlerRoot* hdlr_ptr) = 0;
hdlr_ptr  (IN)  SAX handler pointer
Returns (void)
Description Sets SAX handler for all parser invokations except when another SAX handler is specified in the parser call.


Name getSchemaList
Interface SchemaValidator
Prototype   virtual ub4 getSchemaList( oratext **list) const = 0;
list  (I/O)  address of a pointer buffer
Returns (ub4) list size and list of loaded schemas (I/O parameter)
Description Return only the size of loaded schema list documents if "list" is NULL. If "list" is NOT NULL, a list of URL pointers is returned in the user-provided pointer buffer. Note that its user's responsibility to provide a buffer with big enough size.


Name getValidatorId
Interface SchemaValidator
Purpose Get validator identifier
Prototype   virtual SchValidatorIdType getValidatorId() const = 0;
(none)  () 
Returns (SchValidatorIdType) validator identifier
Description Get the validator identifier corresponding to the implementation of this validator object


Name loadSchema
Interface SchemaValidator
Purpose Load up a schema document
Prototype   virtual void loadSchema( oratext* schema_URI)
                                      throw (ParserException) = 0;
schema_URI  (IN)  URL of schema document [compiler encoding]
Returns (void)
Description Load up a schema document to be used in the next validation session. Throws an exception in the case of an error.


Name unloadSchema
Interface SchemaValidator
Purpose Unload a schema document
Prototype   virtual void unloadSchema( oratext* schema_URI)
                                      throw (ParserException) = 0;
schema_URI  (IN)  URL of schema document [compiler encoding]
Returns (void)
Description Unload a schema document and all its descendants (included or imported nestedly from the validator. All previously loaded schema documents will remain loaded until they are unloaded. To unload all loaded schema documents, set schema_URI to be NULL. Throws an exception in the case of an error.


Name validate
Interface SchemaValidator
Purpose Validate an element node against loaded schema(s)
Prototype   virtual void validate( ElementRef< Node>& elem_ref)
throw (ParserException) = 0;
elem_ref  (IN)  an element node in "doc" to be validated
Returns void
Description Validates an element node against loaded schema(s). The set of Schemas used in the current session consists of all schema documents specified through loadSchema() and provided as hint(s) through schemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation in the instance document. After the invokation of this routine, all loaded schema documents remain loaded and can be queried by getSchemaList. However, they will remain inactive. In the next validation session, inactive schema documents can be activated by specifying them via loadSchema or providing them as hint(s) via schemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation in the new instance document. To unload a schema document and all its descendants (documents included or imported nestedly), use unloadSchema. Throws an exception in the case of an error.


Name validate
Interface SchemaValidator
Purpose Validate an element node against loaded schema(s)
Prototype   virtual void validate( InputSource* isrc_ptr)
throw (ParserException) = 0;
isrc_ptr  (IN)  input document
Returns void
Description Validates a document against loaded schema(s). The set of Schemas used in the current session consists of all schema documents specified through loadSchema() and provided as hint(s) through schemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation in the instance document. After the invokation of this routine, all loaded schema documents remain loaded and can be queried by getSchemaList. However, they will remain inactive. In the next validation session, inactive schema documents can be activated by specifying them via loadSchema or providing them as hint(s) via schemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation in the new instance document. To unload a schema document and all its descendants (documents included or imported nestedly), use unloadSchema. Throws an exception in the case of an error.