What Is Etcd and How Do You Set Up an Etcd Cluster?


Etcd is an open-source distributed key-value store created by the CoreOS team, now managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It is pronounced “et-cee-dee”, making reference to distributing the Unix “/etc” directory, where most global configuration files live, across multiple machines. It serves as the backbone of many distributed systems, providing a reliable way for storing data across a cluster of servers. It works on a variety of operating systems including here Linux, BSD and OS X.

Etcd has the following properties:

  • Fully Replicated: The entire store is available on every node in the cluster
  • Highly Available: Etcd is designed to avoid single points of failure in case of hardware or network issues
  • Consistent: Every read returns the most recent write across multiple hosts
  • Simple: Includes a well-defined, user-facing API (gRPC)
  • Secure: Implements automatic TLS with optional client certificate authentication
  • Fast: Benchmarked at 10,000 writes per second
  • Reliable: The store is properly distributed using the Raft algorithm

How Does Etcd Work?

To understand how Etcd works, it is important to define three key concepts: leaders, elections, and terms. In a Raft-based system, the cluster holds an election to choose a leader for a given term.

Leaders handle all client requests which need cluster consensus. Requests not requiring consensus, like reads, can be processed by any cluster member. Leaders are responsible for accepting new changes, replicating the information to follower nodes, and then committing the changes once the followers verify receipt. Each cluster can only have one leader at any given time.

If a leader dies, or is no longer responsive, the rest of the nodes will begin a new election after a predetermined timeout to select a new leader. Each node maintains a randomized election timer that represents the amount of time the node will wait before calling for a new election and selecting itself as a candidate.

If the node does not hear from the leader before a timeout occurs, the node begins a new election by starting a new term, marking itself as a candidate, and asking for votes from the other nodes. Each node votes for the first candidate that requests its vote. If a candidate receives a vote from the majority of the nodes in the cluster, it becomes the new leader. Since the election timeout differs on each node, the first candidate often becomes the new leader. However, if multiple candidates exist and receive the same number of votes, the existing election term will end without a leader and a new term will begin with new randomized election timers.

As mentioned above, any changes must be directed to the leader node. Rather than accepting and committing the change immediately, Etcd uses the Raft algorithm to ensure that the majority of nodes all agree on the change. The leader sends the proposed new value to each node in the cluster. The nodes then send a message confirming receipt of the new value. If the majority of nodes confirm receipt, the leader commits the new value and messages each node that the value is committed to the log. This means that each change requires a quorum from the cluster nodes in order to be committed.

Etcd in Kubernetes

Since its adoption as part of Kubernetes) in 2014, the Etcd community has grown exponentially. There are many contributing members including CoreOS, Google, Redhat, IBM, Cisco, Huawei and more. Etcd is used successfully in production environments by large cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure.

Etcd’s job within Kubernetes is to safely store critical data for distributed systems. It’s best known as Kubernetes’ primary datastore used to store its configuration data, state, and metadata. Since Kubernetes usually runs on a cluster of several machines, it is a distributed system that requires a distributed datastore like Etcd.

Etcd makes it easy to store data across a cluster and watch for changes, allowing any node from Kubernetes cluster to read and write data. Etcd’s watch functionality is used by Kubernetes to monitor changes to either the actual or the desired state of its system. If they are different, Kubernetes makes changes to reconcile the two states. Every read by the kubectl command is retrieved from data stored in Etcd, any change made (kubectl apply) will create or update entries in Etcd, and every crash will trigger value changes in etcd.

Deployment and Hardware Recommendations

For testing or development purposes, Etcd can run on a laptop or a light cloud setup. However, when running Etcd clusters in production, we should take in consideration the guidelines offered by Etcd’s official documentation. The page offers a good starting point for a robust production deployment. Things to keep in mind:

  • Since Etcd writes data to disk, SSD is highly recommended
  • Always use an odd number of cluster members as quorum is needed to agree on updates to the cluster state
  • For performance reasons, clusters should usually not have more than seven nodes

Let’s go over the steps required to deploy an Etcd cluster in Kubernetes. Afterward, we will demonstrate some basic CLI commands or API calls. We will use a combination of Kubernetes’ concepts like StatefulSets and PersistentVolumes for our deployment.


To follow along with this demo, you will need the following:

  • a Google Cloud Platform account: The free tier should be more than enough. You should be able to use most other cloud providers with little modification.
  • A server to run Rancher

Starting a Rancher Instance

To begin, start a Rancher instance on your control server. There is a very intuitive getting started guide for this purpose here.

Using Rancher to Deploy a GKE Cluster

Use Rancher to set up and configure a Kubernetes cluster in your GCP account using this guide.

Install the Google Cloud SDK and kubelet command on the same server hosting our Rancher instance. Install the SDK by following the link provided above, and install kubelet through the Rancher UI.

Make sure that the gcloud command has access to your GCP account by authenticating with gcloud init and gcloud auth login.

As soon as cluster is deployed, check basic kubectl functionality by typing:

gke-c-ggchf-default-pool-df0bc935-31mv Ready <none> 48s v1.11.6-gke.2
gke-c-ggchf-default-pool-df0bc935-ddl5 Ready <none> 48s v1.11.6-gke.2
gke-c-ggchf-default-pool-df0bc935-qqhx Ready <none> 48s v1.11.6-gke.2

Before deploying the Etcd cluster (through kubectl or by importing YAML files in Rancher’s UI), we need to configure a few items. In GCE, the default persistent disk is pd-standard. We will configure pd-ssd for our Etcd deployment. This is not mandatory, but as per Etcd recommendations, SSD is very good option. Please check this page to learn about other cloud providers’ storage classes.

Let’s check the available storage class that GCE offers. As expected, we see the default one, called standard:

standard (default) kubernetes.io/gce-pd 2m

Let’s apply this YAML file, updating the value of zone to match your preferences, so we can benefit of SSD storage:

# storage-class.yaml

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
name: ssd
provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd
type: pd-ssd
zone: europe-west4-c # Change this value

If we check again, we can see that, along the default standard class, ssd is now available:

kubectl apply -f storage-class.yaml
kubectl get storageclassstorageclass.storage.k8s.io/ssd created

ssd kubernetes.io/gce-pd 7s
standard (default) kubernetes.io/gce-pd 4m

We can now proceed with deploying the Etcd cluster. We will create a StatefulSet with three replicas, each of which have a dedicated volume with the ssd storageClass. We will also need to deploy two services, one for internal cluster communication and the other to access the cluster externally via the API.

When forming the cluster, we need to pass a few parameters to the Etcd binary to the datastore. The listen-client-urls and listen-peer-urls options specify the local addresses the Etcd server uses to accepting incoming connections. Specifying as the IP address means that Etcd will listen for connections on all available interfaces. The advertise-client-urls and initial-advertise-peer-urls parameters specify the addresses Etcd clients or other etcd members should use to contact the etcd server.

The following YAML file defines our two services and the Etcd StatefulSet:

# etcd-sts.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: etcd-client
type: LoadBalancer
– name: etcd-client
port: 2379
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 2379
app: etcd

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: etcd
clusterIP: None
– port: 2379
name: client
– port: 2380
name: peer
app: etcd

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: StatefulSet
name: etcd
app: etcd
serviceName: etcd
replicas: 3
name: etcd
app: etcd
– name: etcd
image: quay.io/coreos/etcd:latest
– containerPort: 2379
name: client
– containerPort: 2380
name: peer
– name: data
mountPath: /var/run/etcd
– /bin/sh
– -c
– |
exec etcd –name $
–advertise-client-urls http://$.etcd:2379
–initial-advertise-peer-urls http://$:2380
–initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1
–initial-cluster $
–initial-cluster-state new
–data-dir /var/run/etcd/default.etcd
– metadata:
name: data
storageClassName: ssd
accessModes: [ “ReadWriteOnce” ]
storage: 1Gi

Apply the YAML file by typing:

kubectl apply -f etcd-sts.yaml service/etcd-client created
service/etcd created
statefulset.apps/etcd created

After applying the YAML file, we can the resources it defines within the different tabs Rancher offers:

Fig. 1: Etcd StatefulSet as seen in the Rancher Workloads tab

Fig. 1: Etcd StatefulSet as seen in the Rancher Workloads tab

Fig. 2: Etcd Service as seen in the Rancher Service Discovery tab

Fig. 2: Etcd Service as seen in the Rancher Service Discovery tab

Fig. 3: Etcd volume as seen in the Rancher Volumes tab

Fig. 3: Etcd volume as seen in the Rancher Volumes tab

Interacting with Etcd

There are two primary ways to interact with Etcd: either using etcdctl command or directly through the RESTful API. We will cover both of these briefly, but you can find more in depth information and additional examples by visiting the full documentation here and here.

etcdctl is a command-line interface for interacting with an Etcd server. It can be used to perform a variety of actions such as setting, updating, or removing keys, verifying the cluster health, adding or removing Etcd nodes, and generating database snapshots. By default, etcdctl talks to the Etcd server with the v2 API for backward compatibility. If you want etcdctl to speak to Etcd using the v3 API, you must set the version to “3” via the ETCDCTL_API environment variable.

As for the API, every request sent to an Etcd server is a gRPC remote procedure call. This gRPC gateway serves a RESTful proxy that translates HTTP/JSON requests into gRPC messages.

Let’s find the external IP we need to use for API calls:

etcd ClusterIP None <none> 2379/TCP,2380/TCP 1m
etcd-client LoadBalancer 2379:30525/TCP 1m
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 3m

We should also find the names of our three Pods so that we can use the etcdctl command:

etcd-0 1/1 Running 0 6m
etcd-1 1/1 Running 0 6m
etcd-2 1/1 Running 0 6m

Let’s check the Etcd version. For this, we can use the API or CLI (both v2 and v3). The output will be slightly different depending on your chosen method.

Use this command to contact the API directly:


To check for the version with v2 of the etcdctl client, type:

kubectl exec -it etcd-0 — etcdctl –versionetcdctl version: 3.3.8
API version: 2

To use the etcdctl with v3 of the API, type:

kubectl exec -it etcd-0 — /bin/sh -c ‘ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl version’etcdctl version: 3.3.8
API version: 3.3

Next, let’s list the cluster members, just as we did above.

We can query the API with:


With etcdctl using v2 of the API:

kubectl exec -it etcd-0 — etcdctl member list2e80f96756a54ca9: name=etcd-0 peerURLs=http://etcd-0.etcd:2380 clientURLs=http://etcd-0.etcd:2379 isLeader=true
7fd61f3f79d97779: name=etcd-1 peerURLs=http://etcd-1.etcd:2380 clientURLs=http://etcd-1.etcd:2379 isLeader=false
b429c86e3cd4e077: name=etcd-2 peerURLs=http://etcd-2.etcd:2380 clientURLs=http://etcd-2.etcd:2379 isLeader=false

With etcdctl using v3 of the API:

kubectl exec -it etcd-0 — /bin/sh -c ‘ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl member list –write-out=table’+——————+———+——–+————————-+————————-+
| 2e80f96756a54ca9 | started | etcd-0 | http://etcd-0.etcd:2380 | http://etcd-0.etcd:2379 |
| 7fd61f3f79d97779 | started | etcd-1 | http://etcd-1.etcd:2380 | http://etcd-1.etcd:2379 |
| b429c86e3cd4e077 | started | etcd-2 | http://etcd-2.etcd:2380 | http://etcd-2.etcd:2379 |

Setting and Retrieving Values in Etcd

The last example we will cover is creating a key and checking it’s value on all the 3 Pods in the Etcd cluster. Then we will kill the leader, etcd-0 in our scenario, and see how a new leader is elected. Finally, once the cluster has recovered, we will verify the value of our previously created key on all members. We will see that there is no data loss, and cluster simply goes on with a different leader.

We can verify that the cluster is initially healthy by typing:

kubectl exec -it etcd-0 — etcdctl cluster-healthmember 2e80f96756a54ca9 is healthy: got healthy result from http://etcd-0.etcd:2379
member 7fd61f3f79d97779 is healthy: got healthy result from http://etcd-1.etcd:2379
member b429c86e3cd4e077 is healthy: got healthy result from http://etcd-2.etcd:2379
cluster is healthy

Next, verify the current leader by typing the following. The last field indicates that etcd-0 is the leader in our cluster:

kubectl exec -it etcd-0 — etcdctl member list2e80f96756a54ca9: name=etcd-0 peerURLs=http://etcd-0.etcd:2380 clientURLs=http://etcd-0.etcd:2379 isLeader=true
7fd61f3f79d97779: name=etcd-1 peerURLs=http://etcd-1.etcd:2380 clientURLs=http://etcd-1.etcd:2379 isLeader=false
b429c86e3cd4e077: name=etcd-2 peerURLs=http://etcd-2.etcd:2380 clientURLs=http://etcd-2.etcd:2379 isLeader=false

Using the API, we will create a key called message and assign it a value. Remember to substitute the IP address you retrieved for your cluster in the command below:

curl -XPUT -d value=”Hello world”{“action”:”set”,”node”:{“key”:”/message”,”value”:”Hello world”,”modifiedIndex”:9,”createdIndex”:9}}

The key will have same value regardless the member we query. This helps us validate that the value has been replicated to the other nodes and committed to the log:

kubectl exec -it etcd-0 — etcdctl get message
kubectl exec -it etcd-1 — etcdctl get message
kubectl exec -it etcd-2 — etcdctl get messageHello world
Hello world
Hello world

Demonstrating High Availability and Recovery

Next, we can kill the Etcd cluster leader. This will let us see how a new leader is elected and how the cluster recovers from it’s degraded state. Delete the pod associated with the Etcd leader you discovered above:

kubectl delete pod etcd-0

Now, let’s check the cluster health:

kubectl exec -it etcd-2 — etcdctl cluster-healthfailed to check the health of member 2e80f96756a54ca9 on http://etcd-0.etcd:2379: Get http://etcd-0.etcd:2379/health: dial tcp: lookup etcd-0.etcd on no such host
member 2e80f96756a54ca9 is unreachable: [http://etcd-0.etcd:2379] are all unreachable
member 7fd61f3f79d97779 is healthy: got healthy result from http://etcd-1.etcd:2379
member b429c86e3cd4e077 is healthy: got healthy result from http://etcd-2.etcd:2379
cluster is degraded
command terminated with exit code 5

The above message indicates that the cluster is in a degraded state due to the loss of its leader node.

Once Kubernetes responds to the deleted pod by spinning up a new instance, the Etcd cluster should recover:

kubectl exec -it etcd-2 — etcdctl cluster-healthmember 2e80f96756a54ca9 is healthy: got healthy result from http://etcd-0.etcd:2379
member 7fd61f3f79d97779 is healthy: got healthy result from http://etcd-1.etcd:2379
member b429c86e3cd4e077 is healthy: got healthy result from http://etcd-2.etcd:2379
cluster is healthy

We can see that a new leader has been elected by typing:

kubectl exec -it etcd-2 — etcdctl member list2e80f96756a54ca9: name=etcd-0 peerURLs=http://etcd-0.etcd:2380 clientURLs=http://etcd-0.etcd:2379 isLeader=false
7fd61f3f79d97779: name=etcd-1 peerURLs=http://etcd-1.etcd:2380 clientURLs=http://etcd-1.etcd:2379 isLeader=true
b429c86e3cd4e077: name=etcd-2 peerURLs=http://etcd-2.etcd:2380 clientURLs=http://etcd-2.etcd:2379 isLeader=false

In our case, the etcd-1 node was elected as leader.

If we will check the value for the message key again, we can verify that there was no data loss:

kubectl exec -it etcd-0 — etcdctl get message
kubectl exec -it etcd-1 — etcdctl get message
kubectl exec -it etcd-2 — etcdctl get messageHello world
Hello world
Hello world


Etcd is a very powerful, highly available, and reliable distributed key-value store designed for specific use cases. Common examples are storing database connection details, cache settings, feature flags, and more. It was designed to be sequentially consistent, so that every event is stored in the same order throughout the cluster.

We saw how to get an etcd cluster up and running in Kubernetes with the help of Rancher. Afterwards, we were able to play with few basic Etcd commands. In order to learn more about the project, how keys can be organized, how to set TTLs for keys, or how to back up all the data, the official Etcd repo is a great starting point.

Calin Rus

Calin Rus



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