Docker Certified Containers From IBM

The Docker Certified Technology Program is designed for ecosystem partners and customers to recognize containers and plugins that excel in quality, collaborative support and compliance. Docker Certification gives enterprises an easy way to run trusted software and components in containers on Docker Enterprise with support from both Docker and the publisher.

As cloud computing continues to transform every business and industry, developers at global enterprises and emerging startups alike are increasingly leveraging container technologies to accelerate how they build modern web, mobile and IoT applications.

IBM has achieved certification of its flagship Db2 database, Websphere-Liberty middleware server and Security Access Manager products now available on Docker Hub. These Certified Containers enable developers to accelerate building cloud-native applications for the Docker Enterprise platform. Developers can deploy these solutions from IBM to any on-premises infrastructure or public cloud. They are designed to assist in the modernization of traditional applications moving from on-premises monoliths into hybrid cloud microservices.

These solutions are validated by both Docker and IBM and are integrated into a seamless support pipeline that provides customers the world-class support they have become accustomed to when working with Docker and IBM.

Check out the latest certified technology available from IBM on Docker Hub:

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container image, container platform, Db2, Docker certified, docker enterprise, IBM, IBM Db2, IBM POWER, IBM Z, ISAM, Liberty, Websphere


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